Union Abuse


Written by Mathew Naismith

It is interesting, at the same time introducing communism to the rest of the world through coercion and deception, apartheid is used in full affect.

The rest of Australia and the world should take serious note of what has gone on in Victoria Australia. Why? Because other unions in Victoria and in other states did not show any real support or even express condemnation of workers being abusively oppressed. Even if the unions in Victoria alone supported these abusively oppressed workers, the oppressive authorities in question would not have stood a chance. Other workers in Australia showed support but not the unions themselves.

So why did not all these unions stand together, especially in regards to the abusive oppression of other workers?

Communism, which is what unions, not necessarily unionists, and multinationals want to control the people and their countries even more. As China has exemplified, capitalism can be abused to the maximum while keeping oppressive communistic control over the people. The entire environment including the masses can be oppressively controlled therefore abused under this style of socialism, and it is obvious that the unions themselves want more control through the implementation of communism.

Yes, it would seem the multinationals and unions want the same thing, but do the unionists themselves? As Victoria has shown, not all unionists want what the unions themselves are trying to implement, unions being in support of multinationals becoming even more wealthier and controlling therefore oppressive, as we have seen in Victoria.

On one hand the multinationals seem to be concerned about the abuse of the natural environment, mainly global warming, but notice not of their own abuse but the people's abuse of the environment. Of course this abuse by the people, not the multinationals, was brought about by the multinationals and their lust for even more wealth and control in the first place. Under communism, multinationals will have no one to answer to, while union members will be even more oppressed, as we have seen in Victoria Australia. Yes, it would seem that unions are doing wrong to their own members in a huge way.

Usually under communism, corruption and deception is the name of the game, the primary source of control of the people, so why would anyone trust a communist regime to start with? Knowing that multinationals and unions have the same interest in mind, wealth, control and power over the people, it is astonishing that anyone would trust the present communist regime that is being implemented by unions and multinationals alike. It would seem the people have no voice at present which the Victorian government seems to have presently oppressed even further, but keep in mind that this can change quite quickly.


I liked how this communist unionist protest, like the BLM protests, did not end up with people being intimidated, abused, fined, shot at, pepper sprayed and arrested by police like anti-government oppression protests. Communism is the name of their game, a game we should avoid at all cost playing.



Reemergence of Apartheid


                                                                    Stop police terror

Written by Mathew Naismith

This is why people like me say do your own homework and research. Two thirds of Australians are said to agree with covid apartheid!!

Most interesting, apartheid being embraced in Australia with open arms, an apartheid once again orchestrated by a certain type of government, in this case introducing a covid vaccine apartheid.

Apartheid: A social policy or racial segregation involving political and economic and legal discrimination against people who are not Whites; the former official policy in South Africa.

“Apartheid; is characterised by authoritarian political cultures based which is based on baasskap, that in South Africa ensured dominance politically, socially, and economically by the nation's minority white population.” Bassskap being of a gentile national socialist movement.

Of course apartheid results in a police state, this results in security forces being created, often a private security force often mislabelled as police. Take note of apartheid social policy, where one undesirable group is segregated and given less rights than another group.

And so many Australians are going right a long with this, a system based on national socialist Nazi policies, however, this time orchestrated by communists. Yes, an apartheid policy has been allowed to go on in Palestine for some years now based on culture and race, in countries like Australia it is a policy of covid vaccine apartheid, were the undesirable group, the people not vaccinated, have less rights and freedoms. Of course it is the vaccinated that can still become infected and pass on a fully active infection, this is due to the vaccine seemingly only hindering serious infections in most people, in the process not allowing the immune system to weaken the infection. Why are highly vaccinated countries experiencing just as many infections while at the same time testing less people?

The scariest part is not that this type of government would implement apartheid like policies, the scariest part is that so many people are too willing to go right along with it, just like they did with the rise of Nazism.

“According to a YouGov poll published in yesterday’s Australian, two-thirds of Australians agree that people who are not vaccinated should be denied privileges that they have to date shared in common with the rest of the community.”

“The evidence for some time has been that the vaccines don’t stop you catching Covid or passing it on. They prevent the infection from being as severe as if you weren’t vaccinated. Added to that, if you’ve had Covid, then your resistance to infection is, according to the latest study I’ve seen, 7 times stronger than from a vaccine.”  


I would have to add that at least two thirds of Australians in the past have expressed a good deal of racism, so apartheid is probably hereditary socially.

We have an add in Australia called, “I've armed myself”, where you receive the covid vaccine against covid and passing on covid to the vulnerable, which it does not do. To me this is too similar to wearing a swastika, especially when it is apart of apartheid policies that are being introduced by governments. As many non-apartheid Germans faced in the 1930's, you can't rationalise with the irrational.

We Are All In This Together!!


Written by Mathew Naismith

Yes, we are all in this together, while so many people are happy separating one state from the other and even the communities within these states. Now we have the happy vaccinated, that are still carrying and passing on the full strain of covid, being separated from the people who are not vaccinated. Many of us see mandating vaccines that are still in the evaluation process not worth the risk, especially while there is no security of harm. On top of this again, outlaw medical treatments known to work in other countries.

“COVID-19 vaccines undergoing evaluation.”


Like with communism and fascism, we are not all in this together if we are not of communism or fascism. This is only the start people, in the future they will be able to force any harmful medical treatment they want onto the people, maybe even like China, forced live organ harvesting.

“The China Tribunal, an independent legal entity created to investigate decades of reports of China selling organs cut out of living political prisoners, concluded in its report published this week that live organ harvesting “continues to this day.”


This is only the start of the communist oppression people, what is occurring at present is nothing. Look at what is presently occurring in countries like Australia, something we thought would never occur in countries like Australia, and this is but the beginning it would seem.


While in Canada; peaceful protesters are not pepper sprayed and rubber bullets used on them. The people have had enough of communist style abuse by the authorities either way.


In Queensland Australia, many people see the state leader as being some kind of saint, with very few infection cases and deaths therefore lock-downs.

If a common criminal wanted to look like some kind of saint, would you criminally lesson the PCR magnification cycles rates to depict very few cases therefore deaths? Instead of a heart attack or cancer patient dying with covid therefore from covid, heart attack and cancer patients die of there actual cause of death. Even in the most lock-down region in the world, Victoria Australia, the state leader is seen as some kind of saint, I should say was as this seems to be gradually changing now.

So many people in the state of Queensland are happy to be not all in this together as a nation in regards to the pandemic, but believe we should be all in this together nationally in regards to mandating vaccines that are still under evaluation and with no security. Under democracy, we are all in this together as a united nation, be it of a pandemic or trial vaccines, but under communism and fascism, there is no uniting all the people, only some of the people under communism or fascism.

I once thought, how did the German people not of Nazism feel like when Nazism was taking hold of so many other Germans, separating one kind of German from the other, now I know.

Where Lies Become Truths


                                                                                                                               Liar bird

                                                             Written by Mathew Naismith

An interesting occurrence, FaceBook seems to be banning any information that fact checks communist disinformation and misinformation. Yes, I am still on FB but for a very good reason, I am using their platform against them. They do seem to have woken up to this as well as my FB feed depicts.

I shared Del Bigtree HighWire information video on FB that fact checked the disinformation put out in relation to Ivermectin. I also shared on FB a fact check by me in relation to a government organisation, TGA, stating false and misleading information in relation to approved treatment that incorporated Ivermectin in various other countries. I was subsequently banned from using FB for 24 hours. I was quite pleased because FB reaction told me a lot, I am certainly on the right path to start with.

As you could imagine, fact checking communist disinformation is not allowed in any sense, as with a transparent government and freedom of information, as we are clearly seeing in countries like Australia. When a communist regime starts to ban various different forms of freedom of expression of information and fact checking, you know you are on the right track.

What I also find interesting under this communist regime, is that any number of people dying from covid vaccines just does not seem to matter, this is in contrast to one person dying from covid was one too many. If these deaths are not depicted on main stream and social communist media as being one too many, no amount of information other than from communist sources is accepted as being true. Now this is interesting, where the truth becomes the lie and the lie becomes the truth under fascism and communism.

“Repetition makes a fact seem more true, regardless of whether it is or not. Understanding this effect can help you avoid falling for propaganda, says psychologist Tom Stafford.

“Repeat a lie often enough and it becomes the truth”, is a law of propaganda often attributed to the Nazi Joseph Goebbels. Among psychologists something like this known as the "illusion of truth" effect.”


Let's be honest, the repetitive misinformation and disinformation experienced in regards to this coronavirus pandemic is certainly repetitious. The phrase lock-down is an interesting one. Lock-down was once seen as a drastic measure of further incarceration, now it is seen as a saviour by the masses. Why? Because now it is depicted as something that gives us security no matter what freedoms are sacrificed. Under fascism and communism, these freedoms taken away for a false sense of security are often never reinstated. Yes, taking away transparency, freedom of expression and information is forever more sacrificed for a false sense of security. To some of us, taking away transparency, freedom of expression and information produces far less security, not more security.

So why are not all the people subdued or coerced by psychological propaganda/programming? Is it that some people are more intelligent? Intelligence just doesn't come into, so many people I know that are intelligent have been reprogrammed without any idea of what has gone on.

I own a documentary on the science of Islam, as well as many other documentaries. Knowledge and awareness comes, for people like me, from any source that seems like a viable source, there in no bias if it is atheist, religious or otherwise, if it seems viable, it is taken as viable with no attached biases. Can intelligent people express great biases? The answer is obvious. I don't have a bias in having to have security, life is a risk, even driving a car with a security of insurance is a risk, however, mandating a medical treatment that has no security attached to it is too much of an insecurity for people like me. It really makes no sense whatsoever to make life even more riskier than it has to be.

So people attach themselves to lock-downs, unproven mask wearing and vaccines that are still in the trial process without any security whatsoever!! This is in line with the lie becoming the truth, lock-downs, unproven mask wearing and trial vaccines have seemingly replaced a true sense of security. What was once of security is all of a sudden seen as insecure and the insecure is seen as secure. The bias is of having to be secure in a life of known risks, no matter how intelligent you may seem to be. I think it comes down to being wise and practical rather than intelligent.

The Liar bird mimics other bird calls, in the process replacing truths with lies.

The Question of Ivermectin?

Written by Mathew Naismith

So the Australian federal government has now outlawed the use of Ivermectin as a treatment for coronavirus infections. By the way, this is the same country that is building concentration camps to keep the undesirables away from the main populous, in this case the inmates have to pay thousands of dollars to have their rights and freedoms taken away from them under false pretences. Only in a fascist or communist country are inmates in these camps made to pay in some way. This is not democracy, a governing system paid dearly for.

“Today, the TGA, acting on the advice of the Advisory Committee for Medicines Scheduling, has placed new restrictions on the prescribing of oral ivermectin. General practitioners are now only able to prescribe ivermectin for TGA-approved conditions (indications) - scabies and certain parasitic infections. Certain specialists including infectious disease physicians, dermatologists, gastroenterologists and hepatologists (liver disease specialists) will be permitted to prescribe ivermectin for other unapproved indications if they believe it is appropriate for a particular patient.

These changes have been introduced because of concerns with the prescribing of oral ivermectin for the claimed prevention or treatment of COVID-19. Ivermectin is not approved for use in COVID-19 in Australia or in other developed countries, and its use by the general public for COVID-19 is currently strongly discouraged by the National COVID Clinical Evidence Taskforce, the World Health Organisation and the US Food and Drug Administration.”


“Ivermectin is currently used for about 28% of the world's population. Countries where COVID-19 mortality is close to zero may not have incentive to adopt treatments. When excluding these countries, ivermectin adoption is about 36%.” 


claimed prevention or treatment of COVID”, when Ivermectin is used in how many countries as a prevention and cure!! This is not just claimed so this statement alone is of disinformation from the Australian government.

So according the the Australian government disinformation board, the TGA, no other country has approved/adopted the use of Ivermectin as a prevention or cure!! I would say that a country wide adoption means it has been approved. Let's now look at actual medical approvals.

“Covid cases falling in the parts of India that approved Ivermectin use.”


“Slovakia was the first country in the EU to approve Ivermectin for treating Covid-19 (1/28/21). Although they had distribution snags in the first few weeks, we saw a peak daily new case average number (according to Worldometer) of 2,341 in March 4th. Their last day of data (5/30) is reporting 122 cases per day (7 day average) according to Worldometer. This is a decline in daily cases of 94.55% in less than three months in a country where currently only 16% of their population is fully vaccinated.”


You can't introduce a fascist or communist governing system if the people are not living in great fear and/or despair, so of course our governments have to put out insurmountable disinformation. This is what fascist and communist governments do best, lie and deceive for their own and the parties benefit, at no time for the people's benefit as we are clearly seeing today.

Global Fraud Exposed

Written by Mathew Naismith


Sorry about the video if you don't understand the English language, I will explain to a certain extent what the video is about in this post. Turn off the volume and watch certain segments early on in the video showing supposed dead people smoking, supposed dead people being buried by people wearing hazard suites and fake corpses. Would a person not of a criminal mind or heavily influenced by criminal minds become involved in this degree of fraud and actual disinformation?

Think on this, did they have to present this degree of fraudulent material in the case of the Spanish flu or even the Hong Kong flu in the late sixties that killed over 4 million people? No, so ask yourselves why this degree of excessive fraud and disinformation in relation to the parent so-called infectious pandemic?

The video also shows how Ivermectin was fraudulently recently made out to be causing serious illnesses in the US, in the process overwhelming the hospital system. This was proven to be fraudulent. Look at how dead people are not deemed by this criminal element as dying from covid vaccines in the first two weeks of being vaccinated, as shown in a previous post of mine, you died of covid while falsely deemed not vaccinated!! These criminals are making humanity as whole look like utter fools, a humanity that is so easily lead by the corrupt mind of inhumanity. Be it religious, atheist or otherwise, some of these people seem to act subhuman.

The video also looks into how Sweden and Portugal are barring Israeli nationals due to excessive infections. Israel classed as epidemiologically unsafe, this is while Israel is testing less people. Israel is even talking about a fourth booster. Has a psychopathic criminal mind any limitations to it's criminal intent?

Seven characteristic traits of a psychopathic mind, a very interesting read.

“A mental condition in which a person consistently shows no regard for right and wrong and ignores the rights and feelings of others. People with antisocial personality disorder tend to antagonize, manipulate or treat others harshly or with callous indifference. They show no guilt or remorse for their behavior.”


Yes, why are not unions supporting their own members human rights!!

Now Graphene oxide also found in covid vaccines, in the process causing a significant drop in haemoglobin.

“Hemoglobin is an essential part of red blood cells that delivers oxygen to all parts of the body. Both low and high levels can adversely affect our health.”

“Hemoglobin values rarely drop lower than 8 g/dL . The best treatment for this type of anemia is to treat the underlying disease.”


Treating this kind of anemia would be to prevent low haemoglobin levels caused by covid vaccines to start with.

If a modern day psychopathic criminal mind was going to profit or gain from criminal intent, would they not use PCR tests criminally? Also, you want more infections, just up the magnification cycles from the recommended cycles of 24. Would they not use phrases like lock-down instead of something like preventive isolation? Would they not criminalise any other treatment far less financially viable? In Queensland Australia, the state government has even outlawed therapeutic treatments known to safely work on coronavirus infections. In Australia, they are also building concentration camps, concentration camps mean concentrating certain types of people together, usually under protest. If covid vaccines of up to 95% effectiveness act like other vaccines in the past, why build concentration camps? Would not a psychopathic criminal mind not guided by wrong and rights do this anyway no matter what for it's own gains? Yes, the criminal psychopathic mind has the people being interned paying to be interned, as only a psychopathic mind would!!

In the video 5G was even mentioned. 5G was mentioned very briefly and no direct reference was made between 5G and the present infectious outbreak. However, each and every cell in our bodies vibrate at a certain frequency, imagine what could occur by changing the frequencies of these cells with high band frequencies that have a continuous none stop influential affect on the frequencies of cells!! Everything is plausible until proven otherwise, as only the rational mind thinks and believes.

Australia's Pandemic Response Reviewed


Written by Mathew Naismith

The following is not just to do with Australia but the world as a whole. Yes, Australia seems to be subjected one of the most strictest communist like governance in the world, an indication and a warning to what can occur in other countries. Our system of governance in Australia has been based on a socialist system for some time now, leading today to the heads of government acting like penal colony governors, wardens and guards. The persecution and abuse by these authorities is of penal colony days without a doubt, where abusing people to death is most acceptable.

“It suffices to note that all models used in Australia and overseas have failed and proven to be unrealistic. 'Agent-based' models used by the institute are notorious for being based on TOO MANY ASSUMPTIONS.

“The model was not used as part of a scientific process. Models are not science, but can be used as part of the scientific process, if and only if used as a basis of formulating a hypothesis which is then tested. In this instance there was no testing involved. The untested hypothesis is that the 80% vaccination target will return us back to normal. Because we have not tested this, there is no scientific basis for following the recommendation.”


So we lock down countries on models to determine an outcome that are not scientifically plausible, but then ban and even outlaw therapeutic treatments for the same reason, medical treatments that have been proven to be safely effective.

“Rapid and efficient memory-type immune responses occur reliably in virtually all unvaccinated individuals who are exposed to SARS-CoV-2. The effectiveness of further boosting the immune response through vaccination is therefore highly doubtful. Vaccination may instead aggravate disease through antibody-dependent enhancement (ADE).”


Medically, they have been trying to create a safe and effective vaccine for corona-viruses since 1968, it would seem they still have not created a safe and effective vaccine. Is this why our governments were behind making laws that protect pharmaceutical companies from lawsuits?

“There is an unusually high rate of reported adverse events and deaths following the COVID-19 vaccines compared to other vaccines. Some adverse events are more common in the young, especially myocarditis. Where potential harm exists from an innovation and little is known about it, the precautionary principle dictates to first do no harm. Better safe than sorry.”


“A Freedom of Information request to the Australian drugs regulator that approved the Pfizer vaccine confirms that they have never seen the study data.”


“Some will find it difficult to accept being told that there are risks in everything we do in life and that we must accept them. Professor Spurrier may have forgotten that we no longer have a right to accept some risks. To tell us we must accept a risk of death makes little sense because health advisers and governments now define the risks we take. The Victorian Premier a few months ago told Victorians one Covid death is un-acceptable. New Zealand declared a National Emergency with zero deaths. So how can we now contradictorily say one death in 100,000 has to be accepted.”


So one death from covid was one too many, now it doesn't matter how many people die of covid vaccines, locked-downs and continuous mask wearing.

As of the 9 August 2021, vaccines still undergoing evaluation, in other words experimental. Moderna ,Biocelect, Janssen-Cilag, Pfizer and AstraZeneca.     


Breakdown of Pfizer, Moderner and JJ vaccines.




Most Likely of Criminal Intent


Written by Mathew Naismith

Hundreds of thousands of people around the world could have been of false positives, if this is so, this is of deliberate criminal intent. Both PCR and RA tests are of screening purposes, not diagnoses purposes as we are made to believe. I will allow the following information explain this.

Screening tests;  (sometimes termed medical surveillance) is a medical test or procedure performed on members (subjects) of a defined 1 asymptomatic population or population subgroup to assess the likelihood of their members having a particular disease. 2 With few exceptions, screening tests do not diagnose the illness.

Diagnostic tests; are any type of medical test carried out to diagnose a condition, disease, or illness in people who are displaying specific signs of possible illness.

“After December 31, 2021, CDC will withdraw the request to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) of the CDC 2019-Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) Real-Time RT-PCR Diagnostic Panel, the assay first introduced in February 2020 for detection of SARS-CoV-2 only. CDC is providing this advance notice for clinical laboratories to have adequate time to select and implement one of the many FDA-authorized alternatives.”


“Rapid antigen testing is a screening tool to help detect COVID-19 in people without any symptoms of COVID-19. Rapid antigen testing involves a nasal swab (using a small cotton bud) that is placed into a chemical solution.” 


“But PCR tests are specific to the DNA they are testing for, whether that’s of a person or a virus, so aren’t “designed” to pick up the genetic material of the person being tested.”

Genetic material; is the medium by which instructions are transmitted from one generation of organisms to the next. The genetic material of a cell can be a gene, a part of a gene, a group of genes, a DNA molecule, a fragment of DNA, a group of DNA molecules, or the entire genome of an organism.

“In the UK, testing to see whether someone currently has Covid-19 is performed using an extremely common process called PCR, and known as a PCR test. This involves taking a swab from someone’s throat and nose, and then using PCR to detect the genetic material of the virus that causes Covid-19 (which is called SARS-CoV-2).”


So both PCR and RA screening tests are of swabbing. PCR tests samples are then taken to a laboratory to be analysed, this is when these tests are often magnified at 35 to 40 cycles, well above the correct 24 cycles. Would a criminal mind use these tests at higher cycles for specific gains?

“Editor’s Note: This is what several experts have been saying for months – high cycle thresholds can lead to false positives as the PCR test can replicate any DNA material. Moreover, one cannot say that a person has COVID-19 if that person exhibits no symptoms.”


Also look up the following, looks to be of impartial information.


Swabbing tests allow numerous other environmental elements to contaminate the sample swabbed, even contaminants from the air. Blood samples tested are more of diagnoses testing than PCR and RA tests and are most often a more accurate form of diagnoses.

According to the guideline first released on July 21, 2020, and updated last November 30, 2020, “The PCR technology used in tests to detect viruses cannot distinguish between viruses capable of infecting cells and viruses that have been neutralized by the immune system and therefore these tests cannot be used to determine whether someone is contagious or not. RNA from viruses can often be detected for weeks (sometimes months) after the illness but that does not mean that you are still contagious.”


Also considering that covid vaccines are fully endorsed, even though hey have to date killed and maimed hundreds of thousands of people, and that therapeutic treatments have been banned and even outlawed in Queensland Australia, deliberate criminal intentions just doesn't cover it. Would a non-criminal mandate a medical procedure that kills and maims hundreds of thousand of people, while banning inexpensive treatments that kill and maim far less people over a much longer period of time?

We have to date several new pharmaceutical billionaires and a lot of other people becoming very wealthy as well. They are also falsely calling these people who are testing positive cases. You can't be a case if you are not contagious, of course a real medical case is of someone being actually treated for an infection and not just contagious.

In Avoidance of Suffering from History

  Written by Mathew Naismith   Any awakening to our present plight is a blessing. People like me are into learning from history and not ...