Written by Mathew Naismith
It is interesting, at the same time introducing communism to the rest of the world through coercion and deception, apartheid is used in full affect.
The rest of Australia and the world should take serious note of what has gone on in Victoria Australia. Why? Because other unions in Victoria and in other states did not show any real support or even express condemnation of workers being abusively oppressed. Even if the unions in Victoria alone supported these abusively oppressed workers, the oppressive authorities in question would not have stood a chance. Other workers in Australia showed support but not the unions themselves.
So why did not all these unions stand together, especially in regards to the abusive oppression of other workers?
Communism, which is what unions, not necessarily unionists, and multinationals want to control the people and their countries even more. As China has exemplified, capitalism can be abused to the maximum while keeping oppressive communistic control over the people. The entire environment including the masses can be oppressively controlled therefore abused under this style of socialism, and it is obvious that the unions themselves want more control through the implementation of communism.
Yes, it would seem the multinationals and unions want the same thing, but do the unionists themselves? As Victoria has shown, not all unionists want what the unions themselves are trying to implement, unions being in support of multinationals becoming even more wealthier and controlling therefore oppressive, as we have seen in Victoria.
On one hand the multinationals seem to be concerned about the abuse of the natural environment, mainly global warming, but notice not of their own abuse but the people's abuse of the environment. Of course this abuse by the people, not the multinationals, was brought about by the multinationals and their lust for even more wealth and control in the first place. Under communism, multinationals will have no one to answer to, while union members will be even more oppressed, as we have seen in Victoria Australia. Yes, it would seem that unions are doing wrong to their own members in a huge way.
Usually under communism, corruption and deception is the name of the game, the primary source of control of the people, so why would anyone trust a communist regime to start with? Knowing that multinationals and unions have the same interest in mind, wealth, control and power over the people, it is astonishing that anyone would trust the present communist regime that is being implemented by unions and multinationals alike. It would seem the people have no voice at present which the Victorian government seems to have presently oppressed even further, but keep in mind that this can change quite quickly.
I liked how this communist unionist protest, like the BLM protests, did not end up with people being intimidated, abused, fined, shot at, pepper sprayed and arrested by police like anti-government oppression protests. Communism is the name of their game, a game we should avoid at all cost playing.
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