Liar bird
Written by Mathew Naismith
An interesting occurrence, FaceBook seems to be banning any information that fact checks communist disinformation and misinformation. Yes, I am still on FB but for a very good reason, I am using their platform against them. They do seem to have woken up to this as well as my FB feed depicts.
I shared Del Bigtree HighWire information video on FB that fact checked the disinformation put out in relation to Ivermectin. I also shared on FB a fact check by me in relation to a government organisation, TGA, stating false and misleading information in relation to approved treatment that incorporated Ivermectin in various other countries. I was subsequently banned from using FB for 24 hours. I was quite pleased because FB reaction told me a lot, I am certainly on the right path to start with.
As you could imagine, fact checking communist disinformation is not allowed in any sense, as with a transparent government and freedom of information, as we are clearly seeing in countries like Australia. When a communist regime starts to ban various different forms of freedom of expression of information and fact checking, you know you are on the right track.
What I also find interesting under this communist regime, is that any number of people dying from covid vaccines just does not seem to matter, this is in contrast to one person dying from covid was one too many. If these deaths are not depicted on main stream and social communist media as being one too many, no amount of information other than from communist sources is accepted as being true. Now this is interesting, where the truth becomes the lie and the lie becomes the truth under fascism and communism.
“Repetition makes a fact seem more true, regardless of whether it is or not. Understanding this effect can help you avoid falling for propaganda, says psychologist Tom Stafford.
“Repeat a lie often enough and it becomes the truth”, is a law of propaganda often attributed to the Nazi Joseph Goebbels. Among psychologists something like this known as the "illusion of truth" effect.”
Let's be honest, the repetitive misinformation and disinformation experienced in regards to this coronavirus pandemic is certainly repetitious. The phrase lock-down is an interesting one. Lock-down was once seen as a drastic measure of further incarceration, now it is seen as a saviour by the masses. Why? Because now it is depicted as something that gives us security no matter what freedoms are sacrificed. Under fascism and communism, these freedoms taken away for a false sense of security are often never reinstated. Yes, taking away transparency, freedom of expression and information is forever more sacrificed for a false sense of security. To some of us, taking away transparency, freedom of expression and information produces far less security, not more security.
So why are not all the people subdued or coerced by psychological propaganda/programming? Is it that some people are more intelligent? Intelligence just doesn't come into, so many people I know that are intelligent have been reprogrammed without any idea of what has gone on.
I own a documentary on the science of Islam, as well as many other documentaries. Knowledge and awareness comes, for people like me, from any source that seems like a viable source, there in no bias if it is atheist, religious or otherwise, if it seems viable, it is taken as viable with no attached biases. Can intelligent people express great biases? The answer is obvious. I don't have a bias in having to have security, life is a risk, even driving a car with a security of insurance is a risk, however, mandating a medical treatment that has no security attached to it is too much of an insecurity for people like me. It really makes no sense whatsoever to make life even more riskier than it has to be.
So people attach themselves to lock-downs, unproven mask wearing and vaccines that are still in the trial process without any security whatsoever!! This is in line with the lie becoming the truth, lock-downs, unproven mask wearing and trial vaccines have seemingly replaced a true sense of security. What was once of security is all of a sudden seen as insecure and the insecure is seen as secure. The bias is of having to be secure in a life of known risks, no matter how intelligent you may seem to be. I think it comes down to being wise and practical rather than intelligent.
The Liar bird mimics other bird calls, in the process replacing truths with lies.
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