Reemergence of Apartheid


                                                                    Stop police terror

Written by Mathew Naismith

This is why people like me say do your own homework and research. Two thirds of Australians are said to agree with covid apartheid!!

Most interesting, apartheid being embraced in Australia with open arms, an apartheid once again orchestrated by a certain type of government, in this case introducing a covid vaccine apartheid.

Apartheid: A social policy or racial segregation involving political and economic and legal discrimination against people who are not Whites; the former official policy in South Africa.

“Apartheid; is characterised by authoritarian political cultures based which is based on baasskap, that in South Africa ensured dominance politically, socially, and economically by the nation's minority white population.” Bassskap being of a gentile national socialist movement.

Of course apartheid results in a police state, this results in security forces being created, often a private security force often mislabelled as police. Take note of apartheid social policy, where one undesirable group is segregated and given less rights than another group.

And so many Australians are going right a long with this, a system based on national socialist Nazi policies, however, this time orchestrated by communists. Yes, an apartheid policy has been allowed to go on in Palestine for some years now based on culture and race, in countries like Australia it is a policy of covid vaccine apartheid, were the undesirable group, the people not vaccinated, have less rights and freedoms. Of course it is the vaccinated that can still become infected and pass on a fully active infection, this is due to the vaccine seemingly only hindering serious infections in most people, in the process not allowing the immune system to weaken the infection. Why are highly vaccinated countries experiencing just as many infections while at the same time testing less people?

The scariest part is not that this type of government would implement apartheid like policies, the scariest part is that so many people are too willing to go right along with it, just like they did with the rise of Nazism.

“According to a YouGov poll published in yesterday’s Australian, two-thirds of Australians agree that people who are not vaccinated should be denied privileges that they have to date shared in common with the rest of the community.”

“The evidence for some time has been that the vaccines don’t stop you catching Covid or passing it on. They prevent the infection from being as severe as if you weren’t vaccinated. Added to that, if you’ve had Covid, then your resistance to infection is, according to the latest study I’ve seen, 7 times stronger than from a vaccine.”

I would have to add that at least two thirds of Australians in the past have expressed a good deal of racism, so apartheid is probably hereditary socially.

We have an add in Australia called, “I've armed myself”, where you receive the covid vaccine against covid and passing on covid to the vulnerable, which it does not do. To me this is too similar to wearing a swastika, especially when it is apart of apartheid policies that are being introduced by governments. As many non-apartheid Germans faced in the 1930's, you can't rationalise with the irrational.

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