Global Fraud Exposed

Written by Mathew Naismith

Sorry about the video if you don't understand the English language, I will explain to a certain extent what the video is about in this post. Turn off the volume and watch certain segments early on in the video showing supposed dead people smoking, supposed dead people being buried by people wearing hazard suites and fake corpses. Would a person not of a criminal mind or heavily influenced by criminal minds become involved in this degree of fraud and actual disinformation?

Think on this, did they have to present this degree of fraudulent material in the case of the Spanish flu or even the Hong Kong flu in the late sixties that killed over 4 million people? No, so ask yourselves why this degree of excessive fraud and disinformation in relation to the parent so-called infectious pandemic?

The video also shows how Ivermectin was fraudulently recently made out to be causing serious illnesses in the US, in the process overwhelming the hospital system. This was proven to be fraudulent. Look at how dead people are not deemed by this criminal element as dying from covid vaccines in the first two weeks of being vaccinated, as shown in a previous post of mine, you died of covid while falsely deemed not vaccinated!! These criminals are making humanity as whole look like utter fools, a humanity that is so easily lead by the corrupt mind of inhumanity. Be it religious, atheist or otherwise, some of these people seem to act subhuman.

The video also looks into how Sweden and Portugal are barring Israeli nationals due to excessive infections. Israel classed as epidemiologically unsafe, this is while Israel is testing less people. Israel is even talking about a fourth booster. Has a psychopathic criminal mind any limitations to it's criminal intent?

Seven characteristic traits of a psychopathic mind, a very interesting read.

“A mental condition in which a person consistently shows no regard for right and wrong and ignores the rights and feelings of others. People with antisocial personality disorder tend to antagonize, manipulate or treat others harshly or with callous indifference. They show no guilt or remorse for their behavior.”

Yes, why are not unions supporting their own members human rights!!

Now Graphene oxide also found in covid vaccines, in the process causing a significant drop in haemoglobin.

“Hemoglobin is an essential part of red blood cells that delivers oxygen to all parts of the body. Both low and high levels can adversely affect our health.”

“Hemoglobin values rarely drop lower than 8 g/dL . The best treatment for this type of anemia is to treat the underlying disease.”

Treating this kind of anemia would be to prevent low haemoglobin levels caused by covid vaccines to start with.

If a modern day psychopathic criminal mind was going to profit or gain from criminal intent, would they not use PCR tests criminally? Also, you want more infections, just up the magnification cycles from the recommended cycles of 24. Would they not use phrases like lock-down instead of something like preventive isolation? Would they not criminalise any other treatment far less financially viable? In Queensland Australia, the state government has even outlawed therapeutic treatments known to safely work on coronavirus infections. In Australia, they are also building concentration camps, concentration camps mean concentrating certain types of people together, usually under protest. If covid vaccines of up to 95% effectiveness act like other vaccines in the past, why build concentration camps? Would not a psychopathic criminal mind not guided by wrong and rights do this anyway no matter what for it's own gains? Yes, the criminal psychopathic mind has the people being interned paying to be interned, as only a psychopathic mind would!!

In the video 5G was even mentioned. 5G was mentioned very briefly and no direct reference was made between 5G and the present infectious outbreak. However, each and every cell in our bodies vibrate at a certain frequency, imagine what could occur by changing the frequencies of these cells with high band frequencies that have a continuous none stop influential affect on the frequencies of cells!! Everything is plausible until proven otherwise, as only the rational mind thinks and believes.

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