Australia's Pandemic Response Reviewed


Written by Mathew Naismith

The following is not just to do with Australia but the world as a whole. Yes, Australia seems to be subjected one of the most strictest communist like governance in the world, an indication and a warning to what can occur in other countries. Our system of governance in Australia has been based on a socialist system for some time now, leading today to the heads of government acting like penal colony governors, wardens and guards. The persecution and abuse by these authorities is of penal colony days without a doubt, where abusing people to death is most acceptable.

“It suffices to note that all models used in Australia and overseas have failed and proven to be unrealistic. 'Agent-based' models used by the institute are notorious for being based on TOO MANY ASSUMPTIONS.

“The model was not used as part of a scientific process. Models are not science, but can be used as part of the scientific process, if and only if used as a basis of formulating a hypothesis which is then tested. In this instance there was no testing involved. The untested hypothesis is that the 80% vaccination target will return us back to normal. Because we have not tested this, there is no scientific basis for following the recommendation.”

So we lock down countries on models to determine an outcome that are not scientifically plausible, but then ban and even outlaw therapeutic treatments for the same reason, medical treatments that have been proven to be safely effective.

“Rapid and efficient memory-type immune responses occur reliably in virtually all unvaccinated individuals who are exposed to SARS-CoV-2. The effectiveness of further boosting the immune response through vaccination is therefore highly doubtful. Vaccination may instead aggravate disease through antibody-dependent enhancement (ADE).”

Medically, they have been trying to create a safe and effective vaccine for corona-viruses since 1968, it would seem they still have not created a safe and effective vaccine. Is this why our governments were behind making laws that protect pharmaceutical companies from lawsuits?

“There is an unusually high rate of reported adverse events and deaths following the COVID-19 vaccines compared to other vaccines. Some adverse events are more common in the young, especially myocarditis. Where potential harm exists from an innovation and little is known about it, the precautionary principle dictates to first do no harm. Better safe than sorry.”

“A Freedom of Information request to the Australian drugs regulator that approved the Pfizer vaccine confirms that they have never seen the study data.”

“Some will find it difficult to accept being told that there are risks in everything we do in life and that we must accept them. Professor Spurrier may have forgotten that we no longer have a right to accept some risks. To tell us we must accept a risk of death makes little sense because health advisers and governments now define the risks we take. The Victorian Premier a few months ago told Victorians one Covid death is un-acceptable. New Zealand declared a National Emergency with zero deaths. So how can we now contradictorily say one death in 100,000 has to be accepted.”

So one death from covid was one too many, now it doesn't matter how many people die of covid vaccines, locked-downs and continuous mask wearing.

As of the 9 August 2021, vaccines still undergoing evaluation, in other words experimental. Moderna ,Biocelect, Janssen-Cilag, Pfizer and AstraZeneca.

Breakdown of Pfizer, Moderner and JJ vaccines.


  1. Hey Mat.

    Best wishes to you and yours and your fellow countrymen & woman.

    Kindest regards,

  2. I would love to catch up with you in person Mike, that looks very unlikely.

    You and your own keep well,


In Avoidance of Suffering from History

  Written by Mathew Naismith   Any awakening to our present plight is a blessing. People like me are into learning from history and not ...