Written by Mathew Naismith


As I wrote recently.

Are people in general coherently rational? The answer is simply no.

Rational thinking is governed by the depth of bias and emotions in place as at any given time. War is an emotional topic and will no doubly attract a lot of views based on emotions and biases, of course only of what we are allowed to see by authorities is indeed based on their own biases. Look at how so many of us are conditioned to Russia is evil, so from the start you have significant bias at play before we come to emotional triggers that distort reality even more.

Irrational thinking is of distortion, now add an emotional aspect to this. Very devious of NATO countries I must say, not that NATO countries have this on their own, however, look at how NATO countries are replacing or overriding common, judicial and constitutional laws with directives. Look at how fascism did this in the 1930's, resulting in outright dictatorships. NATO is doing the same but is Russia, especially to the same degree as NATO countries?


They want nothing to do with Russia!! When certain parts of the Ukraine voted 90+ to become a part of Russia again in a referendum!! Was their Russian intervention in this?

Euromaidan Press, your basing your whole argument here on a source that is completely bias!! Why? Is it because you are also expressing a bias here!!


The question is, was it ever possible for Russia to regain it's soviet empire and the answer is no for so many reasons you can't count them, to suggest so is lunacy. And I don't just say Putin either, like a lot of people are, for a very good reason. Look at NATO'S intervention in European politics and it doesn't stop there. If NATO countries can't undermine the political and social structure of a country, NATO countries invade and/or bomb the hell out of them, like Syria and Libya. Look at the money given to prewar Ukraine, look at the money given to Ukraine now. Russia can't buy off countries so it has to resort to other means to protect itself against a very sinister entity.

People like you extensively pushing that Putin wants to reclaim soviet control is quite laughable, how could any rational person believe this? Because they are not rational,or, they are pushing the NATO narrative as you are doing. People like you stick out like a saw thumb Nicholas.

Let's be honest here. If Russia militarily attacked a wedding in Ukraine or any other country, like NATO did in Afghanistan, all hell would break lose, so why the difference? Corruption. All what people like me want is transparency and the truth, NATO is anything but of transparency and the truth, similar to Russia but a lot more sinister.

So why are not people asking, is it possible for Russia to regain it's soviet empire, forgetting NATO's corruptive influence over Europe? Not in a million years, unless people are coerced to believe so, remembering how corrupt NATO is. How does a so-called non-corrupt entity, such as NATO, support a known corrupt dictatorial government? They won't, unless they are as corrupt if not more corrupt.

The good thing to come out of this war is, NATO is blatantly showing how corrupt it is to the rest of the world, with the help of people like you Nicholas. Why do you think I have continued with this conversation with you?

This is an article from 2014, stating that Russia has pulled back it's forces from Ukraine boarder. “ A strong case can be made that NATO is now an instrument of certain states to work their will when they cannot obtain UN Security Council approval.” It is no longer just of a strong case is it? Now look at the threat that Putin himself personally wants to regain soviet union control, just because Russia had no other choice but to liberate Ukraine from known NATO corruption, mainly to defend itself from NATO'S known sinister expansion. Putin was pushed into this war by what entity? NATO. Which proves what? That NATO could not give a hoot about civilian casualties, even while on paper they state they do. Would a corrupt entity tell you one thing and do another? I give you NATO.


It is certainly the same program used with the pandemic as it is with the Ukraine war.

Is Zelensky becoming a dictator, bans 11 political parties and consolidates all national media?


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