UN Human Rights!!

Written by Mathew Naismith

This is exceptionally positive, resulting in exposing a number of nations that are corrupt to the core, especially in relation to human rights. The corruption and hypocrisy in relation to human rights is being exposed right in front of our eyes. Sad that it has taken a travesty like the Ukraine war to expose the real human rights violations, in depth corruption and outright hypocrisy presently active in the world, particularly in regards to the UN human rights council.

While Ukrainians wearing white arm bands are being killed by Ukrainian Neo-Nazis, white arm bands signalling that they are neutral in regards to Russian arm forces, 93 nations voted Russia out of the human rights council. Now imagine what the Ukrainian Neo-Nazis are doing to pro-Russian Ukrainians!!

Notice that there is no resolution put forth to band Ukraine from the human rights council, mainly because it wouldn't pass, obviously, considering the corruption present.

“Suspensions are rare. Libya was suspended in 2011 because of violence against protesters by forces loyal to then-leader Muammar Gaddafi.”


So invading and bombing Iraq, that resulted in thousands of civilians deaths, was not a human rights concern by the UN human right council!!

Human rights should be for all humans no matter what race of people they are. Also, it would seem if you are a notion that is not controlled by western powers, you have no human rights according to numerous UN delegates. These 93 nations that voted for removing Russia from the human rights council, know that Ukrainians are violating human rights on a massive scale, have been since 2014, when Ukrainians cheered on while Russian speaking Ukrainians and Russians were being burnt, strangled and bashed to death as well as shot.

So take a good look at these nations that voted for the removal of Russia from the human rights council. Are now the most corrupt and inhumane nations in the world being exposed for all to see?

Does this resolution mean that NATO can now treat Russia how it likes? Considering the heavy handed treatment in regards to sanctions on Russia, no doubt leading to poorer living conditions that will no doubt lead to civilian deaths, the UN human rights has already began it's inhumane treatment of Russia and it's people.

How many deaths resulted in banning and even outlawing therapeutic treatments known to work on corona-virus strains overall? This is not including how many deaths are attributed to locking uninfected people down for overextended periods of time and vaccinations that are known to kill and maim quite a considerable amount of civilians. Where was our UN human rights council in relation to this? Melbourne Australia was one of the most lock down cities in the world, where was the UN human rights council then?

I am ecstatic, I can't believe that this UN human rights council would expose itself to this extent. This reaction shows you that Russia is winning the war big time, and I don't mean in regards to the military war in Ukraine, that seems to have been orchestrated by NATO and possibly the UN.

An inaction by a party towards an inhumane travesty is as guilty, if not more so, than the party that orchestrated (enacted) inhumane actions. If you see a child being vilely raped and you do nothing, you are as guilty as the paedophile if not more so of such a heinous offence.

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