The Real Abuser


What have people like you and I got against Russia or Ukraine? Nothing

Now, what have a lot of other westerners got against Russia, even from the iron curtain days? A lot

Who is going to express a more balanced perspective? Now that is obvious 


Written by Mathew Naismith

Who is the abused and who is the abuser? Like in domestic conflicts, international violent abuse is not always easy to define to who is being abused and who the real abuser is. You must look impartiality at both sides of the story, this simply is not occurring at present. Why? Bias, remembering we can be duped into supporting actual real life abusers over the abused due to our own biases. Yes, we can also be coerced by biased parties to support the abuser.

It was stated to me that all these countries that were invaded and bombed by NATO countries had internal and external strife, that of course needed to be corrected by NATO countries, unlike Ukraine. These leaders of these countries should be assassinated!!

I think Iraq throwing missiles at Iran is an external strife as well as having internal strife, NATO could not wait to go in. Why? Look at all these countries invaded and/or heavily bombed by NATO countries, all of them were countries that western powers couldn't put their own puppet government in. Did you notice that, like Russia and unlike Ukraine?

The US had excessive internal as well as external strife, I think having a ten year war in Afghanistan, that goat herders without the military support Ukraine is receiving by a long shot but still kicking butt, is significant strife. Now look at what Russia is up against. I think your analogy that the US has not bombed an a entire city is flawed. Russia is up against NATO, not ill-equipped goat herders, like in Vietnam, where Russia and China were supplying assistance. Ah, I got it, it is alright for western NATO to assist militarily but not eastern countries!! This is racist as well as hypocritical. Again, Russia is not fighting ill-equipped goat herders, they are fighting hard line Nazis and NATO.

So would you like Australia to take out your president that do their own and others harm? No, but it is alright for the US to do this!! Thomas, the way people like you think is gross, you can't see this?

Did you know that Syria was bombed more than Iraq and Afghanistan put together? I think you will find that Russia has more of a reason to go into Ukraine than NATO did going into Iraq.

I was also presented with an argument, with attached article, showing that a lot of uncivil censoring is going on in Russia and Ukraine, and that so many Russians are against this war. This is of course like many people who were against the Vietnam war, which was nowhere near Australian and US boarders unlike Russia.

I think you will find that this organisation is the political opposition to the present ruling government in Russia, meaning it is heavily bias. I am not saying all of it is wrong, what I am saying that desired truths based on biases is not altogether credible Laura. If I dig a bit deeper I might even find a Neo-Nazi connection.

Look at how Zelensky imprisoned his political opposition and shut down three MSM outlets, I can't see this mentioned in this article. What about the 39 people burnt, shot, bashed and strangled to death while known Neo-Nazis cheered on. As with universities/colleges, young minds are vulnerable to propaganda, as seen in today's US, most often westernised eastern propaganda as also seen in Australia.

Now look at how you are persecuted in speaking against covid vaccines, masks, lockdowns, police brutality, political inhumanity, etc, in western countries and we are not at war that can lead to WWIII. Look at the book burning/censoring going on at present in the west, we are not at war with a foe that can infiltrate our minds with their own propaganda. Look at the false propaganda of NATO/Ukraine, no mention of this in this article. NATO is at war with Russia, a body that has significant propaganda abilities. We are in the west censored extremely excessively, you can't even say how beneficial therapeutic treatments are, being that therapeutic treatments have been used for centuries.

People like me have also been accused, amongst other various things, of being a Putin supporter just because we also look at the other side of the argument. So you will only listen to the bully or women and child abusers!! What a lot of us see is Russia is the abused, others see Russia being the abuser. At times it is difficult to govern who is really the abused and abuser, of course if you have a like for the real abuser, they are going to be seen as the abused. This happens a lot in domestic violence, I mean a lot, it is no different to international violent abuse.

Staying neutral and not trying to join a known aggressor to Russia, neither is putting yourself in a position of being abused or becoming an abuser. Being funded by billions by NATO countries is a sure sign of being an abuser or a future abuser, on top of this, trying to join NATO further confirms who the real abuser is here, this is without considering the abused orchestration on certain Russian speaking people in Ukraine as well as biolabs, that are most likely creating bio-weaponry seen as NATO is not friendly with Russia, in fact quite aggressive.

To people like me, it would seem that Russia is certainly the abused party in this conflict, they are just trying to stop further abuse from occurring upon themselves which the forthcoming abuse towards Russia seemed inevitable. Is this because Russia is not controlled by NATO and does not have a western installed puppet government!! It sure seems so. Actually, the real abuser is the one who is pushing everyone's button to fight against each other, a very sinister enemy of all people.

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