Written by Mathew Naismith
Being too explicit, overly explanatory, attracts a very small market of people, usually people who are either able to think outside the box or have the ability but not the capability to look outside the box. To encourage people to think outside the box takes one to be explicit, the problem with this is that a good deal of people have a complicated life as it is, looking outside the box simply complicates life for these people even more. Lets be honest, modern day living is full of complications and getting even more complicated especially for some people like, “Am I a male or female today or just simply a person of no gender.”
The covid pandemic itself is dramatising enough for a lot of people, trying to look outside the box is simply going to add more drama to people's lives, not less. I think trying to work out what gender you are today, if any, simply complicates life even more from this. So what happens from this? You simply follow directives no matter what, in the process hopefully avoiding adding any more drama to an already overloaded dramatic existence. Let's be honest, the demonstrations of recent times have certainly added more drama to people's lives which was not for everyone.
Recently, I was accused of rambling, at least 1 out of every 10 words was all I needed to explain about the topic I wrote about, which by all concerns is complicated within itself. Of course if I did this, I would not have said anything beyond thinking outside the box, but of course this was the point for this person. Thinking outside the box often take elaborating on, of course to people unable or unwilling to look outside the box this is just rambling, as of course it would be. In this case looking outside the box in relation to a complicated topic was always going to take elaborating on.
Yes, elaborating is one thing, being explicit with the elaboration is something else, especially on a topic that is complicated in a time of excessive drama. Yes, thinking outside the box takes one to be explicit in an elaborate way, the people you attract will be of a very small number, the people who agree with your explicit elaboration is even smaller, expect this.
You must look at the market you are trying to assist or attract. Yes, being less explicit in an elaborate way would attract a greater part of the market, but while losing the much smaller market of people who are able or have the capability to look outside the box. The funny thing is, I recently posted extensive explicit replies on a thread, this should have resulted in a reduction of people reading my material, the opposite occurred. To elaborate further still, I posted links to one of my blogs in reference to further evidence to what I was stating, my views went up quite a bit on my blog, after this, my detractor stopped replying back to me. Now and again you can persuade people who are not used to looking outside the box to look outside the box, but my main focus is on people who are able or have the capability to look outside the box without too much effort.
Yes, of course people like me are going to be too explicit and maybe elaborate too much for the majority of people, but not for a much smaller minority of people, obviously, people I have to expend far less time and energy on. These people who say that people like me are simply rambling just can't see the market we are shooting for, how can they when they are unable to see outside the box.
Too explicit, I can accept that.
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