Written by Mathew Naismith
We need to get right away from the narrative that there always has to be a good guy and a bad guy, neither side is the good guy in my view in the case between Russia and the Ukraine. Also, how many countries were invaded by coalition forces under false pretences? Look at how coalition forces simply took pot shots at unarmed civilians and how detainees were treated.
If you are going to make out you are a good guy, act like a good guy, also, both Russian and Ukrainian presidents imprisoned their opposition leader where China just kills them. You simply have two bad guys here. NATO are certainly not the good guys either, as it turns out. You will see why.
Has a weakened western military caused this to occur, for one of the bad guys to cut loose?
If there was any such thing as a good guy, should the good guys make sure they actually have a military opponent in opposition to so many bad guys out there?
We need to look back in the past to see why these bad guys are bad guys and go from there, fix it at the root cause. In other words, like the pandemic should have been handled, prevention is better than a cure. In Australia, proven covid therapeutic treatments were even outlawed, in actuality, covid prevention were outlawed in Australia to solely rely on a cure, of course there was no profit to be made from such so-called cures!!
If you don't have a cure, the good guys would have allowed a prevention to be used, in fact the thought of outlawing and even banning prevention's in any case would not have crossed the good guys minds. In truth the opposite occurred, treatments were with all vigour the bad guys could muster banned and outlawed covid prevention's. Locking people down and masking them is not a workable prevention, as we found out when fully vaccinated mask wearing fully tested people spread omicron around the world in a very short time period.
You need to put yourself in the shoes of the good guy, an actually real life good guy, not these make believe good guys that often assist in profiteering cures, like wars and vaccines, rather than low profit prevention's. To the bad guys, war, their supposed cure, is the only answer where the good guys peace is the only answer, where prevention before a cure is implemented. Did any of the so-called good guys tried prevention's before a cure (war)? No, again their inaction's tell the real story.
Look at the bad guys like a replicating virus. To stop the virus replicating, you first stop the replication process of the virus starting, which endless mask wearing and locking people down actually created a perfect environment for virus replication to take place. Ask yourselves, was the prevention of further virus replication hindered with covid or the Ukrainian/Russian war? Notice, like with covid, the opposite occurred. You know an actual good guy in both situations would have used preventative treatments to the fullest rather than totally rely on a cure!! Look at the war on covid, way too similar to the Ukrainian/ Russian war with the same mentality at play.
Which one would see war and vaccines as a cure, while totally ignoring workable prevention's? The bad guy of course, the guy that often has forgone their integrity for some kind of gain. Once again we are being played, or is it still!! Different situation but of the same program of cure is better than prevention for the bad guys.
Always try to remember that; real good guys will try their hardest for a prevention rather than only trying their hardest for a cure. Now look at the people who tried their hardest for a cure in regards to covid as well as the Ukraine/Russia war.
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