Written by Mathew Naismith


As I wrote recently.

Are people in general coherently rational? The answer is simply no.

Rational thinking is governed by the depth of bias and emotions in place as at any given time. War is an emotional topic and will no doubly attract a lot of views based on emotions and biases, of course only of what we are allowed to see by authorities is indeed based on their own biases. Look at how so many of us are conditioned to Russia is evil, so from the start you have significant bias at play before we come to emotional triggers that distort reality even more.

Irrational thinking is of distortion, now add an emotional aspect to this. Very devious of NATO countries I must say, not that NATO countries have this on their own, however, look at how NATO countries are replacing or overriding common, judicial and constitutional laws with directives. Look at how fascism did this in the 1930's, resulting in outright dictatorships. NATO is doing the same but is Russia, especially to the same degree as NATO countries?


They want nothing to do with Russia!! When certain parts of the Ukraine voted 90+ to become a part of Russia again in a referendum!! Was their Russian intervention in this?

Euromaidan Press, your basing your whole argument here on a source that is completely bias!! Why? Is it because you are also expressing a bias here!!


The question is, was it ever possible for Russia to regain it's soviet empire and the answer is no for so many reasons you can't count them, to suggest so is lunacy. And I don't just say Putin either, like a lot of people are, for a very good reason. Look at NATO'S intervention in European politics and it doesn't stop there. If NATO countries can't undermine the political and social structure of a country, NATO countries invade and/or bomb the hell out of them, like Syria and Libya. Look at the money given to prewar Ukraine, look at the money given to Ukraine now. Russia can't buy off countries so it has to resort to other means to protect itself against a very sinister entity.

People like you extensively pushing that Putin wants to reclaim soviet control is quite laughable, how could any rational person believe this? Because they are not rational,or, they are pushing the NATO narrative as you are doing. People like you stick out like a saw thumb Nicholas.

Let's be honest here. If Russia militarily attacked a wedding in Ukraine or any other country, like NATO did in Afghanistan, all hell would break lose, so why the difference? Corruption. All what people like me want is transparency and the truth, NATO is anything but of transparency and the truth, similar to Russia but a lot more sinister.

So why are not people asking, is it possible for Russia to regain it's soviet empire, forgetting NATO's corruptive influence over Europe? Not in a million years, unless people are coerced to believe so, remembering how corrupt NATO is. How does a so-called non-corrupt entity, such as NATO, support a known corrupt dictatorial government? They won't, unless they are as corrupt if not more corrupt.

The good thing to come out of this war is, NATO is blatantly showing how corrupt it is to the rest of the world, with the help of people like you Nicholas. Why do you think I have continued with this conversation with you?

This is an article from 2014, stating that Russia has pulled back it's forces from Ukraine boarder. “ A strong case can be made that NATO is now an instrument of certain states to work their will when they cannot obtain UN Security Council approval.” It is no longer just of a strong case is it? Now look at the threat that Putin himself personally wants to regain soviet union control, just because Russia had no other choice but to liberate Ukraine from known NATO corruption, mainly to defend itself from NATO'S known sinister expansion. Putin was pushed into this war by what entity? NATO. Which proves what? That NATO could not give a hoot about civilian casualties, even while on paper they state they do. Would a corrupt entity tell you one thing and do another? I give you NATO.


It is certainly the same program used with the pandemic as it is with the Ukraine war.

Is Zelensky becoming a dictator, bans 11 political parties and consolidates all national media?


The Real Abuser


What have people like you and I got against Russia or Ukraine? Nothing

Now, what have a lot of other westerners got against Russia, even from the iron curtain days? A lot

Who is going to express a more balanced perspective? Now that is obvious 


Written by Mathew Naismith

Who is the abused and who is the abuser? Like in domestic conflicts, international violent abuse is not always easy to define to who is being abused and who the real abuser is. You must look impartiality at both sides of the story, this simply is not occurring at present. Why? Bias, remembering we can be duped into supporting actual real life abusers over the abused due to our own biases. Yes, we can also be coerced by biased parties to support the abuser.

It was stated to me that all these countries that were invaded and bombed by NATO countries had internal and external strife, that of course needed to be corrected by NATO countries, unlike Ukraine. These leaders of these countries should be assassinated!!

I think Iraq throwing missiles at Iran is an external strife as well as having internal strife, NATO could not wait to go in. Why? Look at all these countries invaded and/or heavily bombed by NATO countries, all of them were countries that western powers couldn't put their own puppet government in. Did you notice that, like Russia and unlike Ukraine?

The US had excessive internal as well as external strife, I think having a ten year war in Afghanistan, that goat herders without the military support Ukraine is receiving by a long shot but still kicking butt, is significant strife. Now look at what Russia is up against. I think your analogy that the US has not bombed an a entire city is flawed. Russia is up against NATO, not ill-equipped goat herders, like in Vietnam, where Russia and China were supplying assistance. Ah, I got it, it is alright for western NATO to assist militarily but not eastern countries!! This is racist as well as hypocritical. Again, Russia is not fighting ill-equipped goat herders, they are fighting hard line Nazis and NATO.

So would you like Australia to take out your president that do their own and others harm? No, but it is alright for the US to do this!! Thomas, the way people like you think is gross, you can't see this?

Did you know that Syria was bombed more than Iraq and Afghanistan put together? I think you will find that Russia has more of a reason to go into Ukraine than NATO did going into Iraq.

I was also presented with an argument, with attached article, showing that a lot of uncivil censoring is going on in Russia and Ukraine, and that so many Russians are against this war. This is of course like many people who were against the Vietnam war, which was nowhere near Australian and US boarders unlike Russia.

I think you will find that this organisation is the political opposition to the present ruling government in Russia, meaning it is heavily bias. I am not saying all of it is wrong, what I am saying that desired truths based on biases is not altogether credible Laura. If I dig a bit deeper I might even find a Neo-Nazi connection.

Look at how Zelensky imprisoned his political opposition and shut down three MSM outlets, I can't see this mentioned in this article. What about the 39 people burnt, shot, bashed and strangled to death while known Neo-Nazis cheered on. As with universities/colleges, young minds are vulnerable to propaganda, as seen in today's US, most often westernised eastern propaganda as also seen in Australia.

Now look at how you are persecuted in speaking against covid vaccines, masks, lockdowns, police brutality, political inhumanity, etc, in western countries and we are not at war that can lead to WWIII. Look at the book burning/censoring going on at present in the west, we are not at war with a foe that can infiltrate our minds with their own propaganda. Look at the false propaganda of NATO/Ukraine, no mention of this in this article. NATO is at war with Russia, a body that has significant propaganda abilities. We are in the west censored extremely excessively, you can't even say how beneficial therapeutic treatments are, being that therapeutic treatments have been used for centuries.

People like me have also been accused, amongst other various things, of being a Putin supporter just because we also look at the other side of the argument. So you will only listen to the bully or women and child abusers!! What a lot of us see is Russia is the abused, others see Russia being the abuser. At times it is difficult to govern who is really the abused and abuser, of course if you have a like for the real abuser, they are going to be seen as the abused. This happens a lot in domestic violence, I mean a lot, it is no different to international violent abuse.

Staying neutral and not trying to join a known aggressor to Russia, neither is putting yourself in a position of being abused or becoming an abuser. Being funded by billions by NATO countries is a sure sign of being an abuser or a future abuser, on top of this, trying to join NATO further confirms who the real abuser is here, this is without considering the abused orchestration on certain Russian speaking people in Ukraine as well as biolabs, that are most likely creating bio-weaponry seen as NATO is not friendly with Russia, in fact quite aggressive.

To people like me, it would seem that Russia is certainly the abused party in this conflict, they are just trying to stop further abuse from occurring upon themselves which the forthcoming abuse towards Russia seemed inevitable. Is this because Russia is not controlled by NATO and does not have a western installed puppet government!! It sure seems so. Actually, the real abuser is the one who is pushing everyone's button to fight against each other, a very sinister enemy of all people. 



Present Metronome Beat

Written by Mathew Naismith



Imagine for a moment watching a pendulum going not stop back and forth right in front of you, while a metronome is set to a certain beat. What dance are we going to dance to eventually? Just going along with accepting medical apartheid, directives becoming laws, continuous state of emergencies, protesters being brutalised, etc!! What about hate for Russia, Russians and Putin, even though US/NATO have killed far more civilians in their endless warring on eastern countries. What about putting more energy into a war, by a huge degree, than trying to avoid a war starting in the first place. Look at the beat of hate, violence, hypocrisy, deception, racism, etc, that so many westerners are now dancing to.

Mass formation psychosis, where you watch the endless motion of the pendulum go back and forth, like with covid and now Ukraine, where you are hypnotised to only believe in a certain reality or narrative through endless points of focus. It is also like a metronome, if not more so than just a pendulum, where the beat is set to a certain continuous beat that people in the end subconsciously just go along with. Within this you have vision and sound manipulation covered.

Is MSM covering western areas of Ukraine, like Crimea and Donbass, where Ukrainians have been liberated from real life Ukrainian Neo-Nazi tyranny and oppression? You know why not? They want people to only dance to a certain beat. Make no mistake, western civilisation is corrupt to it's inner core. I am not saying that communism does not breed corruption or that Russia is free of corruption, what I am saying is it is very possible that our own western civilisation is even more corrupt. How do you get MSM overall to play the same beat? Corruption and insurmountable threats, like the western powers are threatening eastern countries. Do as we want or else sounds awfully dictatorial to me.

Look at how MSM are covering the anti-war protests in Russia, knowing that these protesters are of opposing political views, Putin's government political rival, of course they are going to demonstrate against the present government. Look at how therapeutic covid treatments were not of the authoritative beat so any metronome of this beat was heavily censored. Look at how MSM covers these demonstration, setting the beat to only a couple of thousand protesters turned up when literally ten of thousand of protesters turned up. Why the deception when everything is above board?

It is said that 300 thousand civilian died in the same time period as the Ukraine war has been going on for. Why was their no worldwide outcry, even when knowing that the coalition forces invaded Iraq under false pretences. Where was worldwide condemnation of these NATO countries? Is it possible that western society is this racist, where white European's are shown far more consideration? Russia seems to have good reason to go into Ukraine, the coalition forces did not.

So is this a sign of racism within the core of western civilisation? Yes, certainly to a degree but we must also consider that the metronome is set to a certain beat by MSM and western authorities. To set the metronome to a certain chosen beat, in the process manipulating the people to dance to a certain desired dance, is indeed corruption to the core of western society.

Are western people mentally dense, easily fooled? As the eastern mind focuses on the background, the western mind focus on the foreground. Watching the memorising pendulum of the metronome is of the foreground, of course the western hemisphere mind will be drawn into this state of only focusing on the pendulum, a lot easier that the eastern hemisphere mind will. In the west it would certainly seem we are being used and abused quite chronically, especially at present.

So Why Mass Formation Psychosis?


Written by Mathew Naismith

The scourge of thinking outside the square while also being impartial in this thinking process, on top of this, asking for transparency and open honest truths. It is as if how dare you.....

Is this the present road we are going down, where partiality, thinking only inside the box, opaqueness and dishonesty is set in concrete? Try venturing outside this narrative and see what happens these days. FaceBook is a prime example of this, where promoting hate of a certain race, violence, threats and war is all the go, as long as it is directed at the correct Eastern source that is that is not under western control. Look at how the western powers are continually threatening eastern countries, but this is not seen as dictatorial especially by white people!!

Imagine if Russia bombed a Ukraine wedding and killed and maimed up to 100 people. Due this occurring to white Europeans or eastern Europeans controlled by western powers, we all know by now that this occurrence would be utterly condemned to the maximum. Now look at the NATO white European reaction to an Afghan wedding being bombed by a white conglomerate. (1)

Like with the pandemic, there are way too many inconsistencies for someone like me to just blindly believe and follow in relation to the Ukraine war. The false and misleading images abounds, both sides are doing this but I have to admit, Ukraine and NATO have this nearly all to their own. NATO and Ukraine are certainly winning the disinformation war hands down. (2)

I am ridiculed for not taking on the western stance seen as I am a westerner. How would me being western make a difference to what stance I took if race did not matter? What is alarming is that my stance makes a huge difference to too many white people, I have to support western war mongering, hate, violence, racism and war no matter what. Does this again sound like a dictatorship, in particular a racist dictatorship? Well, it should,

I am not going to make up another blog to do with the Ukraine war, primary due to this war is simply a continuation of mass formation psychosis from the pandemic to start with, where again numerous inconsistencies abound. My wife and I only masked up and social distanced when the obvious planned pandemic was first introduced, and I do mean introduced. We did however respect other people's rights which meant social distancing and even masking up when needed, which was not too often at all.

Sorry, another lengthy post with supporting informational links.


Covid was detected in our sewage in 2020, so covid, a strain of coronavirus which occurs all the time, has already visited our area, remembering it is so highly infectious. Today, it is obvious that coronavirus is in our area doing the rounds again, an even more infectious coronavirus, so why are we still alive or have not become seriously ill with these coronavirus strains? According to the authorities and MSM, my wife and I should have died long ago. We even mix within close quarters to vaccinated people, knowing that they are a huge threat to my wife and I. I am not saying it won't occur, what I am saying in accordance with authorities and MSM, my wife and I should be dead long ago. As I said, way too many inconsistencies to ignore. You can see why they wanted everyone vaccinated with vaccines that are still being evaluated, they wanted no comparisons. (3)

So why mass formation Psychosis? No amount of actual real life evidence is swaying these people hell bent on spreading hate, violence, racism and war. As with mass formation psychosis, “ Psychosis is when people lose some contact with reality. Mass formation psychosis is when a large part of a society focuses its attention to a leader(s) or a series of events and their attention focuses on one small point or issue. Followers can be hypnotized and be led anywhere, regardless of data proving otherwise. A key aspect of the phenomena is that the people they identify as the leaders – the one’s that can solve the problem or issue alone – they will follow that leader(s) regardless of any new information or data. Furthermore, anybody who questions the leader’s narrative are attacked and disregarded.” (4)

As in regards to the pandemic.......

So will Putin avoid nuclear devastation even while the western conglomerate are seemingly doing everything to cause a nuclear exchange? The only thing protecting Russia and it's people from this western conglomerate, that is obviously aggressive towards an eastward power not under their control, is their nuclear prowess. The western conglomerate has biolabs that have the real possibility in creating pathogens that focus on specific racial DNA sequences. On top of this, immense nuclear power and mass world media on side as well as their induced mass formation psychosis.

There is always two sides of the story, of course not while influenced by mass formation psychosis that is!!

1 https://www.theguardian.com/world/2002/jul/03/afghanistan.lukeharding

2 https://www.indy100.com/news/ukraine-fake-images-russia-war

3 https://www.tga.gov.au/covid-19-vaccines-undergoing-evaluation

4 https://www.swfinstitute.org/news/90470/what-is-mass-formation-psychosis

5 https://guardian.ng/features/health/bioweapons-designed-to-kill-only-people-of-particular-race/?fbclid=IwAR1QqRe-munuA-ANcogbAKtVFBhy8pcM1BIeLYp-ZdgX2h9x8SVNgM7zLak

Check Mate

Written by Mathew Naismith


What I want to stipulate first up is stop pointing the finger at the US and it's people, like the rest of us, they are simply being used and abused by the same sinister conglomerate. As in many countries that we are now able to see who those countries are by their support for the war machine, all have people who support this sinister conglomerate, the US by far in not on their own in this. You could say this all started in England. The US was simply chosen to be used as a staging ground for all this by this conglomerate, Ukraine as their battle ground.

You will see in the video the plight of the Ukrainian people who are simply being used and abused by a western conglomerate and far right wing concerns within Ukraine, it is indeed sad. Zelensky is also a pawn in this, be it a willing pawn in great peril of right wing groups. It is deplorable, but I feel as much for the Russians as I do for the Ukrainians. People like me just can't hate another race for being another race, which right wing groups just can't comprehend.

The war for this conglomerate has been lost, for what is in this video should have never been known. The eastern world is waking up big time, the western world will of course take a lot longer. However, due to this conglomerates under ground facilities, they don't care if WWIII breaks out, or that some pestilence kills billions of people, for they will be safe from all this, but many of their pawns won't be.

Look it like a chess board, the back pieces can't move unless the pawns are encouraged to move to serve them, in the process many pawns are simply sacrificed for the good of the strategy used. At the back of the pawns you have lieutenants, captains, commanders and commander in chiefs, the paws simply being their soldiers. Imagine what would occur if the pawns refused to serve this hierarchy, game over. This is presently occurring, where certain nations are not budging. It is now important to take note of the nations moving as ordered to the nations not moving as ordered.

As stated to me recently.

Two big causes for human global suffering:

1. White Supremacist inflexibilty.

2. Accquiring wealth through violent and unfair means.

Human has been infected by a dreadful virus, no way he can escape.”

Like with covid, focusing on the cure (war) is the remedy for the Ukraine conflict while bypassing preventative treatments.

In the case of the coronavirus, bypassing preventive treatments known to work in favour of a cure (vaccines).

In the case of the Ukraine war, bypassing resolution/negations in favour of war. Now you need to look at both sides and what they will gain from this war as they will both gain, like gains from manufacturing and selling vaccines worldwide. Russia's gain is not to do with monitory gain, in fact they were always going to lose a lot of material wealth, now look at the side that is gaining materially.

Yes, as always, there is more gains made by bypassing preventative treatments as of resolution/negations in relation to war Titus, in this case, integrity does not factor in this.

Look at the gains for NATO and NATO's affiliated war material producing machine, no wonder NATO avoided preventive treatments which leads straight to cure being war. Look at the war on covid, they love their profiteering wars while circumnavigating around a prevention to war as much as possible. If the Ukrainian people ever awakened to being used as simple pawns for other people's gain and gratification, the war could change a great deal while awakening to who is the real enemy here. Look at the similarities to the way covid was treated to how the Ukraine war is being treated. Cure before prevention, of course prevention is always better than a cure, accept there is little wealth gains from a prevention of a cure being needed!!

Recently, a deal could have been struck as all demands where met, accept for an agreement of a ceasefire. So you keep the war going just because you can't agree on a ceasefire!! Is a ceasefire a reasonable demand?

A lot of us allow for our neighbours, giving into their living conditions that also affect us to keep the peace. We allow for our neighbours, unless they are not of neutrality like with Ukraine. The first requested demands was to stay neutral in the face of an aggressor, NATO, obviously this demand was not met so it was obvious that Ukraine were not going to stay neutral. Yes, I would myself go to war with a neighbour who was not of neutrality but an obvious aggressor. In saying this, war should always be prevented, the cure being war is not a good idea. The energy put into this war machine far exceeded the energy put into preventing this war, especially by western powers. As of covid, the cure was to be the most proffered and profitable option.

In the end it won't matter how many western nations get together to feed this war machine, what will matter is eastern nations coming together, now that the common enemy of the west and east has been exposed. 


The Queried Mind


Written by Mathew Naismith

A queried mind simply relates to a mind that questions, queries that which is questionable, of course the trick here is to be aware of falling into a hypnotic like trance or excessive biases. We can indeed become too focused therefore of participation instead of simply being in observation. There are a lot of people who have perfected simply being in observation, I have not, not to the same degree.

Now to the main topic that takes a querying mind, variable focal points, hypnotic trances and mental trigger points.

I see it happening again.”

A lot of the people are the same as before, making reference to the pandemic, different focal point, same trance. They use various disasters to traumatise people to focus on a particular point, once this is done, the trance begins. Notice the focal points used to put people into an hypnotic trance like state; communism, CRT, BLM, global warming, pandemic, war, Ukraine plight, etc. People react to different focal points as of different hypnotic techniques, this global conglomerate is trying them all Jen.

Of course there is a crossover with a number of focal points influencing the same people.

Very wisely expressed. I just don't understand why some of us can see the bigger picture and others can't. Certainly not to do with education, my Ph.d friends are the blindest.”

The conglomerate work on different focal points for different classes and state of mind of people, like people of integrity will react to a different focal points to people of the lack of integrity. People of religious persuasion will react to different focal points to atheists as of blue collar to white collar workers. It stands to reason why Janina.

We are all conditioned to different environments therefore the mental trigger points are different. Mental trigger points refer to points of concern, like if I said to a multi-billionaire that they will make less money today, this would indeed trigger a reaction. They expect to make more money each and every day, not less money. Look at how the mental trigger points are different to those with integrity to those with a lack of integrity. More morality, more emotional attachments, less morality, less emotional attachments.

For further information on emotional trigger points.


You first use a certain trigger to get your victim to focus on a particular point, you then enhance this trigger point to the point of a hypnotic trance like state, where only the focal point makes sense, literally. At this point you have induced formation psychosis, in our case today, mass formation psychosis, where one reality is replaced with another reality that won't except any other narrative or reality as being true no matter what evidence is put forth. You often get this with extremist ideologies, where a focal point is set up to create an alternate reality, and always an opposing reality, the funny thing though, communism and capitalism is thought to be of opposing realities, when China is proving otherwise. There is always a middle road that is only often seen by the observer.

Please remember, I am working mainly on personal experiences with a fair amount of acquired knowledge, so what I state may or may not be true for everyone, in fact very few.

Debt is Freedom!!

Written by Mathew Naismith


Strange to think this; freedom to the western hemisphere mind is still freedom even when more than ever chained to a debt that can never be paid back to the borrowers, when the borrowers will simply take ownership to what is owed. To me, this is far worse than the freedom communism seems to take away from it's people. Now to the recent events.

Should have Russia invaded? No

Was Russia compelled to invade Ukraine? Yes.

As I wrote in reply to another source in relation to Putin being a dictator and wanting to regain power of influence in that area of the world.

“So NATO wouldn't like losing their power of influence over how many countries compared to Russia, and Putin is some kind of dictator, are you people for real!! So NATO does not work by spheres of influence!! Far more than Russia, obviously, so why the denial? We have an illusion that we are the good guys and they are the bad guys.

What occurred in WWII? German cities were bombed, to the deliberately point of creating firestorms to target civilians under ground trying to simply hide from the bombings. Now, is this so-called dictator Putin doing this? What about burning people alive for not speaking Russian, as the Ukrainian did for speaking Russian, is Putin doing this?No. Over 13,000 Russian speaking people have been murdered in heinous way in Ukraine, you people, NATO and the UN could have stopped this from there but you didn't, you would rather just keep on feeding the war machine that is going to result in what? Far more civilian deaths and possible nuclear exchange.”

Look at how these other NATO countries have been bought to join NATO.

Is nuclear war an option for Putin/Russia? Yes, then he must be some kind of lunatic, right? Wrong.

When you corner the bear, the bear will indeed use nuclear weapons.

We, in the west, look to surviving, a nuclear exchange has nothing to do with survival. Dying for an eastern person when their backs are up against the wall, death is freedom, death is more preferable than surviving in this case. Why? The western hemisphere mind is of individualism, were the eastern hemisphere mind is of the collective. Survival is of individualism where freedom is of the collective.

Communism seems to western people to be far from being free, in actuality communism to the eastern mind is freedom from capitalist global corruption. However, as eastern people think more through the western hemisphere mind, freedom is looked at in a different way, while seeking survival. There is a middle ground here between fascism and communism, survival and freedom, but very few have accomplished this. Have a knowing and respect for both eastern and western hemispheres of the mind is my answer, don't throw away one because the other has more buying power.

Now look at how free the world is from debt, especially due to the created pandemic, where we are more than ever chained to a system that now owns us in every sense. Yes, this degree of debt to an external source seems like freedom to the western hemisphere mind, some how, but not to the eastern hemisphere mind.

Variable Focal Points

Written by Mathew Naismith

It does look like they have been coerced into a mass formation psychosis state, the interesting thing is, why weren't we too coerced into this state as well? I think it comes down to that not everyone can be hypnotised, also, a lot of people were coerced to focus on one point, where people like us looked at various points as well, in the process we were not hypnotised. For starters, if you focus through both eastern and western hemisphere minds, there is always going to be more than one focal point.”

So many of us are amazed in how a huge part of the populous can be so unaware of the big picture, the whole jigsaw puzzle, instead try to say what is what by just focusing on the small picture of the jigsaw puzzle. The pandemic was of certain pieces of the jigsaw where so many people simply looked at these pieces making up the whole jigsaw itself, when it is within itself still only makes up a small part of the jigsaw even when put together. The Ukrainian war is part of the jigsaw but not to people who see the pandemic as a separate jigsaw puzzle. We are experiencing quite big flood in Australia, to so many people this is seen as another separate jigsaw puzzle as well, when in actuality all these events are of the same jigsaw puzzle when you stop focusing on a participial part of the picture.

We are amazed that the ADF, Australian Defence Force, was used to police covid restrictions, which included keeping people locked up in their homes and coercively administering covid vaccines, while no major use of the ADF is used in the present floods!! No state of emergency has been declared strangely enough. You would think in a situation like this many of the trades people not vaccinated would be able to assist, of course under the present regime no liability, as explained in my last post, is allowed to take part in any significant way in today's newly invented society, the great reset.


“Psychosis is when people lose some contact with reality. Mass formation psychosis is when a large part of a society focuses its attention to a leader(s) or a series of events and their attention focuses on one small point or issue. Followers can be hypnotized and be led anywhere, regardless of data proving otherwise. A key aspect of the phenomena is that the people they identify as the leaders – the one’s that can solve the problem or issue alone – they will follow that leader(s) regardless of any new information or data. Furthermore, anybody who questions the leader’s narrative are attacked and disregarded.

There are four key components needed for an environment to experience a mass formation psychosis: lack of social bonds or decoupling of societal connections, lack of sense-making (things don’t make sense), free-floating anxiety, and free-floating psychological discontent. Free-floating anxiety is a general sense of uneasiness that is not tied to any particular object or specific situation.”

So there we go, anyone should be able to see the connection and relevance here to various points of mass formation psychosis, except for the people coerced to only look at each focal point at a time that is. Under this hypnotic trance, every command is followed without question, in fact the people under this trance seriously and often aggressively question why other people are not doing the same.

Did the covid vaccines stop infections and transmissions of omicron from Africa? No. Did the masks do the same? No, so at least the tests would have stopped further spread of omicron!!

You have people spreading omicron around the world at a very fast rate, while being vaccinated, masked up and tested. If one of these three prevention worked to any degree, this would have slowed down the infection rate significantly. The point is, the people who focus on more than one focal point can see the fallacy in all this, while the people in this obvious trance would do this all over again and again without question. It is sad but true.

Being a Liability

written by Mathew Naismith

The world will come together as one, and never will it be allowed to go down this path again.

This is interesting, had a good internet friend, that I have crossed swards with, point out an obvious in relation to what Edgar Cayce predicted for this time period.

If you don't have a difference, you don't have change, all you have then is stagnation......Mathew G


In Russia there comes the hope of the world, not as that sometimes termed of the communistic, or Bolshevik, no; but freedom, freedom! That each man will live for his fellow man! The principle has been born. It will take years for it to be crystallised, but out of Russia comes again the hope of the world.” — (Edgar Cayce, 1944, No. 3976-29)

70 years after the defeat of the Axis powers, Russia has been reborn, but the rest of the world is now largely under the thumb of the Western globalist banking cartel.

This cartel is organized as the IMF, the World Bank, the Bank for International Settlements, and the global network of central banks, reserve banks, development banks, and investment banks that hold the world’s elected governments in perpetual receivership and the world’s people in bondage to mathematically impossible to pay debt.”

Now look at the nations around the world who did everything to feed the war machine and disinformation while doing nothing to prevent it. Let's be honest, far more energy by western powers is being put into the war machine than preventing the war machine starting in the first place. I give you the real enemy of the people and humanity as a whole. The real enemy of Ukraine is this very sinister conglomerate.

I stick by my guns though, there is no good guy here, the Russian's can't be the good guys while there are so many badder guys abusing the world as a whole. By the way, this is not just Putin, Putin is simply like a spokesman.

Now look at how the pandemic has put so many nations in the world in debt or further debt, a debt that can't be payed therefore repossession is at hand on a massive scale globally. Repossession means taking ownership of nations and it's people, people seemingly refereed to as a commodity/asset or a liability. The people who have not taken the jab are an obvious liability, of course!!

So why all the concentration camp building in countries like Australia, even camps with electrified fences? To house liabilities of course.

Like I have explained in my blog, this pandemic was a cover up, way too many discrepancies to ignore to begin with. Why build even more concentration camps when we are now simply living with covid?

If Edgar Cayce is correct, as he has been on a number of occasions, the nations in support of the war machine may find themselves in a very sticky situation. The harder they push, the harder the fall will be is my prediction. This sinister conglomerate could have played this a lot smarter, lucky for us they didn't. Yes, it is sad that this sinister conglomerate chose Ukraine to have it out in, I wish that the Ukrainian people would wake up to this but what will be will be.

The world will come together as one, and never will it be allowed to go down this path again.

War, Such An Ugly Concept

Written by Mathew Naismith

My wife and I often wonder what is the difference between how people like us think and people who can't get enough weapons into Ukraine fast enough, or get enough vaccines into ourselves even one that is still being evaluated, according to our own TGA. We of cause then wonder why they did not do this with countries like Tibet, Yemen, Palestine, etc. Seen as Taiwan is being intimidated and not just militarily, where are these same people stopping the same thing occurring to Taiwan. So you wait until it happens and then jump on board, unlike countries like Tibet, Yemen, Palestine, etc!!

Look at how much effort by these people is not put into anti-war protests at the moment, instead all I can see is pro-war anti-Russian protests. Both Ukraine and Russian flags should be flown side by side in unity and peace, the opposite is occurring, they can't wait to go to war and kill some Russians. I can't think of anything more hateful, war mongering and racist. Look at all the racist countries taking this out on Russian citizens, be it pro-Putin or not. Notice we don't do the same with China and it's intimidation of Taiwan, and the live organ harvesting of certain picked groups of people in China.

I thought climate change was a big thing, when China is building even more coal fired power plants while at the same time annihilation the African rain forest. This global warming is supposed to affect the entire world, where are these people's outrage? No, instead of simply boycotting the Olympics, they instead fully endorse the Olympics, the very same people feeding the war machine!!

So why do people like my wife and I think so differently to these people in full militaristic support of Ukraine, knowing that in the process more civilian will be killed primarily due to this militaristic support?

Well, knowing that far more people will be harmed in the process of supplying and endless amount of war materials and men to Ukraine is one very good reason, not being hateful, bias and racists is another reason. We just don't express the same degree of bias, however. With extremism's, like fascism and communism, radicalised religion and atheism, etc, where numerous labels are used and abused, people like my wife and I just don't have the same biases and hates therefore numerous labels to put on people to then persecute and defame.

What is one of the traits of extremism and how do you tell if it is an extremism? Hate, which increases the labels used to persecute and defame, however, we do have a bias towards extremism for this reason of induced hateful labels, persecution and unwarranted defaming, but while in the process not hating extremist groups. Extremism is simply an indication of a consciousness lost within it's own creation, lost within it's own illusionary reality.

When the Russians invaded Ukraine, it looked more like a police action. As what was going to always occur with western intervention, Russia, now being at war with numerous countries sending people and war material to Ukraine, has resulted in the war being escalated from a police action, thanks again to western powers. Don t' get me wrong, everyone under western power dominance is simply being used and abused here by a very sinister conglomerate. The western powers are simply being used as well, however, notice how the western powers and the Ukrainian government have chosen Ukraine to be their battle ground!! The Ukrainian people are rising up against the wrong forces here, in my mind.

Notice the unjustly persecution of Russia while comparing Ukraine to other invaded countries, now look at the persecution of people who did not get the covid jab, the same kind of apartheid division at work driven by what? Induced hate, racism, bias, etc. Notice that it was the covid vaccinated mask wearing tested people who spread around omicron around the world at such a fast rate, now look at the group who are being persecuted for this. Is Russia, by the same persecutors and abusers of people not covid vaccinated, also being unjustly persecuted and blamed for the war in Ukraine? The war started in 2014 due to western intervention, also, look at who is now so eager to feed this war machine the most, as of the pandemic and banning of therapeutic treatments!!

Apartheid System Used Against Russia!!

Written by Mathew Naismith

First time ever. I made complaint about the hate being driven by Ukraine In Crisis on FaceBook as it is by governments, MSM and way too many people in the world today.

Thanks for your feedback

Thanks for your report - you did the right thing by letting us know about this. The video was reviewed, and though it doesn't go against one of our specific Community Standards, we understand that it may still be offensive to you and others. No one should have to see posts they consider hateful on Facebook, so we want to help you avoid things like this in the future.

From the list above, you can block Ukraine In Crisis directly, or you may be able to unfriend or unfollow them. If you unfollow them, you’ll stay friends on Facebook but you won’t see their posts in your News Feed.

We know these options may not apply to every situation, so please let us know if you see something else you think we should take a look at. You may also consider using Facebook to speak out and educate the community around you. Counter-speech in the form of accurate information and alternative viewpoints can help create a safer and more respectful environment.”

This has brought the hate out in so many people around the world, let's see where your hate gets you because nothing good will come out of it. I am not pleased with Putin, but his opposition and detractors are simply utterly hateful fiendish deceptive people, making Putin look like an angel in comparison. It was not Putin who burnt people alive just because they spoke a certain language, this is in the time period when the war really started, 2014.

Now look around and notice the people who didn't go down this path of war mongering and hate, I would myself look up to these people, governments and media if I was you.

Notice the hate for the people who did not get covid vaccinated and the people, government and media that fueled this hatred, what is presently occurring is the exact same mentality at work. Notice the recreation of a medical apartheid during the pandemic, now it is an apartheid used against Russia's. One good thing has come out of all this, we now know without a doubt who fuels hatred and real life racism in the world.



An Elaborate Staged Theatre Event

Written by Mathew Naismith

Bare with me, the first part of this post may look as if it has nothing to do with covid, locking people down, forced vaccination of vaccines still under evaluation, the pandemic, etc, but a picture should start to appear between what is occurring to Russia and the pandemic, it is the exact same sinister element at work.

If you are interested, this video will impartially explain the ins and outs of the Ukrainian/Russian war.


Was Russia right going to war with Ukraine? No, actually no war is right but feeding the war machine by the western powers is even less right as you will find. Did Russia have a need to go to war and did Russia actually start this war? This war actually started in 2014 believe it or not and not by Russia.

Is feeding so much war material by the western powers in the Ukraine's going to end up with more civilians dying, far more?

Why didn't the western powers spend even more energy trying to prevent this war to start with?

You will find out that dozens of Russian speaking people were burnt alive by right wing Ukrainians in 2014, no uproar in the world like you are seeing now. Why not? The same will be for Taiwan no doubt.

Now take note of what nations are too eager to feed this war machine at present, especially when they made no effort in preventing it. We have all been conned people, big time, by an extremely sinister conglomerate, the very same conglomerate feeding this war machine. What is occurring is really good in a specific way, because now we can plainly see the nations that are apart of this world wide criminal element, nations that have a direct link to this exceptionally sinister conglomerate.

Ask yourselves, did these nations that are presently heavily sanctioning and condemning Russia do the same with China when they invaded Tibet. What about Yemen, where people were purposely starved to death and Palestine, where children simply throwing stones were known to have their arms smashed with rocks. What about in Ukraine, where dozens of people were burnt alive for simply speaking Russian. Like I have said a number of times, there is no good guy in this, but there are victims.

All of a sudden we find out that the military on Ukraine's snake island are actually alive, and that the Ukrainian ace that shot down a number of Russian jets was a myth. Take notice of who does not condemn the Ukrainians for false and misleading statements and staged events.

Now, how many staged events materialised during the pandemic? I lost count, where supposed dead people in body bags were smoking, and that hospital scenes were also stages and what about the Italian hanger scene, were coffins were said to have the dead of covid victims in them, when the actual scene in the hanger was from a movie scene.

So why the elaborate theatre event? Like with trying to take control of Russian energy and resources, and the profiteering gained from locking down the world and forcing people to have vaccines, it is all to do with some kind of gain either it be of wealth and/or control of world resources and wealth by a few.

Western and Eastern Hemisphere Minds


Written by Mathew Naismith

“Putin got a lot right in his speech! We have been an empire of lies sad but true!”

With so many western people so eager the feed the war machine, while taking little to no action in regards to the prevention of war, I am embarrassed being of a western civilisation. This is while Taiwan is being intimidated and harassed and not just militarily. What is going to happen to the Taiwanese people? Live organ harvesting is but one and certain persecution as seen in Hong Kong and to the Fulan Gong people.

So why are people like you and I so different Miranda to the rest of western civilisation? I think it has a fair bit to do with being able to reason in both western and eastern hemispheres of the mind. Look at how individualistic western people are to eastern collectiveness. A lot of us, be it of western or eastern culture, work in accordance with both spheres of the human mind.


Extract: Individualism – favours the individual as an independent entity and encourages self-promotion and self-worth.

Collectivism – individuals are part of a group and the needs of the group come before the individual.

By and large, cultures in the West tend to be more individualistic whereas people from the East are more collectivist. These concepts are a running thread through many eastern and western cultural differences. g

You will also notice that the eastern hemisphere of the mind will predominantly see the background of everything physical and mental, while the western hemisphere of the mind will predominantly see the foreground. Look at how many people in the world are only seeing a Russian aggressor aimed at Ukraine and how inhumane Putin is, this is while the western coalition forces invaded and bombed how many countries!! What about in WWII, as I wrote recently where, “the allies bombed German cities to the point of deliberately causing a firestorm. Do you know what I mean about fire storms? Even if you were underground, the firestorms sucked the oxygen out from the underground havens unarmed civilians were hiding in. Is Russia doing this?”

The eastern or western mind is unable to put things into proper perspective unless relating the foreground to the background and visa-versa. Honestly, like with the pandemic and how it was handled, how many people are putting this war into proper perspective, a perspective that equally looks at the foreground as well as the background?

The foreground shows one aggressive power seemingly trying to dominate a non-aggressive power, an aggressive power of inhumanity. Now the background tells a different story, actually, more like elaborating on the story told by the foreground.

Firstly, in comparison to other invasions and bombing by western powers of other countries and their civilians, is the Russian army all that inhumane? Did as much energy by the western powers go into resolution than feeding the war even more. Far more energy is being put into the war machine than preventing the war starting in the first place. It is as if the western powers wanted war, seen as Putin, unlike the Ukrainian president, can't be bought and controlled by these western powers.

In Avoidance of Suffering from History

  Written by Mathew Naismith   Any awakening to our present plight is a blessing. People like me are into learning from history and not ...