Prevention Better Than A Cure


Written by Mathew Naismith

We need to get right away from the narrative that there always has to be a good guy and a bad guy, neither side is the good guy in my view in the case between Russia and the Ukraine. Also, how many countries were invaded by coalition forces under false pretences? Look at how coalition forces simply took pot shots at unarmed civilians and how detainees were treated.

If you are going to make out you are a good guy, act like a good guy, also, both Russian and Ukrainian presidents imprisoned their opposition leader where China just kills them. You simply have two bad guys here. NATO are certainly not the good guys either, as it turns out. You will see why.

Has a weakened western military caused this to occur, for one of the bad guys to cut loose?

If there was any such thing as a good guy, should the good guys make sure they actually have a military opponent in opposition to so many bad guys out there?

We need to look back in the past to see why these bad guys are bad guys and go from there, fix it at the root cause. In other words, like the pandemic should have been handled, prevention is better than a cure. In Australia, proven covid therapeutic treatments were even outlawed, in actuality, covid prevention were outlawed in Australia to solely rely on a cure, of course there was no profit to be made from such so-called cures!!

If you don't have a cure, the good guys would have allowed a prevention to be used, in fact the thought of outlawing and even banning prevention's in any case would not have crossed the good guys minds. In truth the opposite occurred, treatments were with all vigour the bad guys could muster banned and outlawed covid prevention's. Locking people down and masking them is not a workable prevention, as we found out when fully vaccinated mask wearing fully tested people spread omicron around the world in a very short time period.

You need to put yourself in the shoes of the good guy, an actually real life good guy, not these make believe good guys that often assist in profiteering cures, like wars and vaccines, rather than low profit prevention's. To the bad guys, war, their supposed cure, is the only answer where the good guys peace is the only answer, where prevention before a cure is implemented. Did any of the so-called good guys tried prevention's before a cure (war)? No, again their inaction's tell the real story.

Look at the bad guys like a replicating virus. To stop the virus replicating, you first stop the replication process of the virus starting, which endless mask wearing and locking people down actually created a perfect environment for virus replication to take place. Ask yourselves, was the prevention of further virus replication hindered with covid or the Ukrainian/Russian war? Notice, like with covid, the opposite occurred. You know an actual good guy in both situations would have used preventative treatments to the fullest rather than totally rely on a cure!! Look at the war on covid, way too similar to the Ukrainian/ Russian war with the same mentality at play.

Which one would see war and vaccines as a cure, while totally ignoring workable prevention's? The bad guy of course, the guy that often has forgone their integrity for some kind of gain. Once again we are being played, or is it still!! Different situation but of the same program of cure is better than prevention for the bad guys.

Always try to remember that; real good guys will try their hardest for a prevention rather than only trying their hardest for a cure. Now look at the people who tried their hardest for a cure in regards to covid as well as the Ukraine/Russia war.

Eastern Aspectual Mind!!

Written by Mathew Naismith

People like me were really hoping that the eastern aspectual mind of humanism was going to be a better option than the western aspectual mind had shown in the past, even though the western aspectual mind was showing real signs of collectedness and assimilation with the rest of humanity.

Not to be. I think for starters riding over unarmed civilians in tanks and flying soviet flags into battle is not a favourable sign, as live organ harvesting is not. Communism has nothing to do with collectedness and assimilation, in actuality communism is of the absence of emotional attachments to anything remotely resembling humanity, as live organ harvesting and rolling over unarmed civilians in tanks show, like in Ukraine.

So to be fair, I have seen footage of US soldiers taking pot shots at unarmed civilians and laughing about it and we know how captives can be treated. How many countries have been invaded or bombed under false pretences by the coalition forces, like having weapons of mass destruction. Be it so, these acts were suppose to be condemned by western society. Western society was seemingly becoming more civilised after centuries of uncivilised behaviour. Now for integrity. The problem with integrity is that it looked promising on the surface but underneath integrity was taking a huge blow in western society, where people would sell off their integrity to gain more wealth, higher positions and control. The level of lack of integrity seems to be right in line with the level of gain of detachment from the rest of humanity. Integrity is falling while detachments are rising like through hate groups and movement like WOKE, CRT, ANTIFA, BLM, Communism, etc.

It was also sad to see how the Olympics was supported by westerners while, for starters, live organ harvesting is going on. Not a sign from western society of boycotting the Olympics, even while China is also building even more coal fired power plants while annihilating the African rain forests. If you are going to produce higher co2 emissions, you need to look after the forests a lot better, in fact plant more natural forested areas, not demolish more natural forested areas. In truth, it would seem western society is presently actually becoming less civilised, not more. Why? Western civilisation is being coerced to forgo integrity for what they can gain, like freedom that was taken from them in the first place in relation to the pandemic. So today it matters not how people not vaccinated are treated. Ror starters, the acceptance of any kind of apartheid is an obvious regression of integrity.

As the capitalist elite have no emotional, psychical or humanitarian attachments to the common people, even though everything that they have is due to the common people, communism is the same. The popularity of communism in western society is simply a sign of regression, a state where attachments to the rest of humanity is lost once again, as of any extremism.


Integrity of Society

Written by Mathew Naismith

I was writing a post about dissimulation, where groups of people who think they are above human society in no way desire to simulate within common society. Being dissimulative in regards to common society is to do with deception, a concealment of obvious similarity to common society under a false appearance with the intent to deceive. Being dissimulative is not just to do with deception in regards to common society, the common people, it is do do with self-deception as well.

Dissimulative: Concealing under a false appearance with the intent to deceive

Making out that you are above common society when you owe everything you are to this common society is indeed self-deceptive, this includes material wealth, control and power, etc, obtained through common society. I would have liked to see how this high society would have acquired all their wealth, power and control without the assistance of common society. Of course to deceive yourself in this way takes one to dissimulate and the only way to dissimulate is to deceive yourself and everyone else around you, however, what is the main attribute is missing to be dissimulative, seen as to be dissimulative is to be deceptive? Integrity.

Integrity has two meanings: An undivided or unbroken completeness or totality with nothing wanting, also, moral soundness. Morality being of attributes of principles of right and wrong, a conforming to standards of rightful behaviour. Rightful behaviour takes one to be of integrity, of course wrongful behaviour takes one to be deceptive.

Are the elite forever wanting therefore of moral unsoundness? Are extremist groups like fascism, communism, religious fanatics, etc, forever wanting therefore of moral unsoundness?

I am not sure about you, but I find it most strange that so many people are attracted to anything that is of the absence of integrity, it would seem anything with integrity is unwanted even by common society. Why are so many people at present wanting to be controlled and dominated by communism? Could anyone honestly say that communism is of integrity? You would have to deceive yourself to say yes, so why the attraction? Simply, the common society are being manipulated through various deceptive means to embrace an extremism, as has always been the case of common society embracement of an extremism. Fascism is of the extreme right of politics as communism is of the extreme left.

We must realise, while being controlled and dominated by a high society of a great lack of integrity, that they would keep deceptively manipulating common society to acquire what they want, of course there is no end to this kind of wanting by high society, you must realise this. In the complete absence of integrity, there will be no end to this wanting by this high society which of the absence of integrity. Why are the so-called high society working very hard at trying to rid the world of integrity and decency? Because integrity, therefore decency, is always a threat to their forever wanting, desires and lusts therefore indecency. This high society built by the assistance of common society, quite deceptively, no longer wants to be questioned by common society. The way to do this is to coerce common society to become a society of the absence of integrity therefore decency, coerce common society into a state of wanting, lusts and desires, indecencies.

This coercion is done by coercing common society to ever be wanting, be it of material wealth or an extremism of the absence of integrity, especially if it is of the absence of integrity. Believe it or not, the common people have to be coerced to be wanting of anything of the absence of integrity.

Would you say that a lack of integrity is of a rational mind or irrational mind? The lack of integrity is of course of the irrational mind, being that deception is of an irrational attribute. Truth and honesty are of course of the rational mind, no rational mind would be this self-deceptive as the so-called high society are showing they are. Common society are coerced to be so wanting for something that seems a better way to exist, like communism, when this better way to exist will predominantly serve the high society that are forever wanting.

You would think a rational society, be it of common or high society, would seek a better way of existing that is of the presence of integrity and decency, not of the absence of integrity and decency, which shows how irrational high and common society have become in mind.

The Question of Integrity



is knowing the right path to take


is taking it

Written by Mathew Naismith

Has an opportunity for the common people been opened up by the present circumstances?

Integrity: An undivided or unbroken completeness or totality with nothing wanting. Moral soundness.

We exist within a dog eat dog world, microorganisms, insects, plants and animals all live with an environment of dog eat dog, humans are no different, obviously. Are humans suppose to rise above this dog eat dog environment of little integrity?

We reason which other biological forms don't, be it rationally or irrationally. Have we irrationally lived within this dog eat dog world in the absence of integrity from authorities? I think I would define integrity to be rational and living in a dog eat dog world in the absence of integrity irrational.

So is making reference in the video to the authorities being psychopathic unreasonable? Suffering from psychopathy tendencies is of irrationality, for the rational mind is unable to suffer from psychopathy, only can the irrational mind suffer from psychopathy. I have never in my life before experienced the degree of irrationality we are all witness to in the world today.

Psychopathy: Any disease of the mind; the psychological state of someone who has emotional or behavioral problems serious enough to require psychiatric intervention

The lack of integrity resulting in living in a deceitful environment is not a rational state to be in, particularly for a biological form that also reasons rationally, it would however be different for a biological form that is predominantly of irrational reasoning. To be deceitfully informative seems to be of irrationality where to be truthfully informative is of rationality.

So are our authorities this irrational, to the point of deceiving us at a whim?

Psychopath/psychopathic: Someone with a sociopathic personality; a person with an antisocial personality disorder ('psychopath' was once widely used but has now been superseded by 'sociopath')

Have the authorities actually come to the point of being psychopathic? The funny thing is, how anti-social have we been forced to become with the threat of further lock downs, endless mask wearing, social distancing, playing male against female, playing vaccinated against unvaccinated, black against white, right and left wing politics, religion and atheism, etc. Notice that all this is heightened all at once by the authorities? Now think of the degree of anti-social behaviour this would all create, where there is no moral, social, physical connection to each other as the elite have no connection to any of us, even be it of a soldier of the elite psychopaths. Integrity in this case is going to take a serious battering.

Imagine what would occur if we all woke up to how we are being used and abused by these psychopathic elite, including the soldiers of the elite. The world would come together as one due to being all abused by the same psychopaths for a very long time now. Many of us have been touched by psychopathy, leading to what is called mass formation psychosis, where contact with reality is lost or distorted. In Australia recently it was okay with the people that sonic weapons were used on protesters not rioting, burning, looting, killing, etc, and in Canada where protesters are bashed with the butt of rifles. How many of us have already lost contact with each other on moral, social, physical grounds? Integrity is lost within so many people today, where people burning themselves in cars that have lost everything is very coldly called it was their choice, full stop.

Are we going to lose integrity when coerced into a state of mass formation psychosis by actual psychopathic elite? Strangely, only the rational mind in us will want to see this, the irrational mind will do anything not to see it as being true, further indication of a distorted reality.

Just by Coincidence!!


Written by Mathew Naismith

If a western country, such as the US or Australia, were live organ harvesting, would not have the Olympics been suspended? These victims are still alive while having their organs harvested, soon to do doubt come to the US and Australia.

If a western world, such as the US or Australia, were building even more coal fired power plants while also annihilating the African rain forest, would not have the Olympics been suspended indefinitely?

Why did the sports people knowing this still support the Beijing winter Olympics, unlike other Olympics? As with the world wide support of the 1936 Nazi Olympic games, the answer would indeed terrify you.

By pure coincidence, of course, the destruction of a violent western history is at play, while at the same time a violent history is notably repeating itself. At the same time, by coincidence once again, we have a pandemic which a state of emergency was implemented, in the process resulting in directives becoming law, very much the same as with the rise of Fascism as of communism.

Just by coincidence, the western male in particular is being persecuted in various different ways as of western people period.

Just by coincidence, therapeutic treatments were either banned or outlawed particularly in western countries.

Just by coincidence, the rise of leftist extremist groups are on the rise.

Just by coincidence, the threat of countries like Taiwan and Ukraine being invaded is at hand.

Just by coincidence, lock downs, mask wearing and impersonal social interactions causes us to no longer identify with each other, creating a state of separation rather than union.

Just by coincidence, a NWO is at play at the same time a virus is leaked from a laboratory.

Just by coincidence, I think we get the big picture.

As history shows, we as humans have become more humane and connected with each other over times. Cut this connection off and the humane within humanity once again becomes a very rare commodity, even to the point of outlawing decency in favour of indecency. It is indeed to people like me indecent to support a regime of great atrocities, inhumaneness and indecency. No, I am not a Christian but I do know indecency and inhumanity when I see it. I was actually brought up in an atheist environment, but I don't relate to being an atheist either.

No, by no coincidence are we once again being forced to not socially relate to each other on a personal, political, racial, etc, level. There are way too many coincidences at play at one time to be simply coincidental.

An Agenda at Play

Written by Mathew Naismith

So why reason with an obvious irrational mind, be it of my own or others?

There is a possibility that the conscious mind is irrational but the unconscious mind is not irrational, also, you don't know that other rational minds might be observing what is being stated. Not being of an irrational mind does not mean you instantly become of a rational mind either, it is like a twilight zone, like a time between day and night. You don't have to rationalise all of what is in your environment, as you don't have to irrationalise all that is within your environment.

What possible reason would a government have to make their death toll greater and Don't tell me control or power without showing me an agenda or motive which nobody to date can do Trump as we all know tried to suppress the numbers so what your saying doesn't make sense as for pre-existing conditions if you have cancer and get hit by a bus you did not die from cancer.”

So if you have cancer and the cancer condition resulted in pneumonia and you die due to the pneumonia, you died of pneumonia!! Did the cancer cause the bus to kill the person? No. Did the cancer condition result in pneumonia? Yes. See the difference Brian? Your bus analogy is seriously flawed.

Trump tried to suppress the numbers because the numbers were of outright disinformation, I think a president protecting the people from MSM, communist and conglomerate disinformation should be highly commended, but not by people like you Brian. I have no love of Trump but look at what Trump did and what Harris/Biden have done to the country. Are you going on about Harris and Biden? I doubt it.

So the NWO is not of an agenda Brian!! We now have politicians that actually make direct reference to the NWO, of course agenda 21 and that we will own nothing and be happy simply confirms a world wide agenda is in play. So you simply desire not to see this so that means the agenda of further control and power of resources, which includes humans, doesn't exist!! People like yourself Brian bewilder people like me, you in no way could be thinking like this, but you are in spite of all the evidence. What I have read and studied in relation to mass formation psychosis perfectly fits people like yourself Brian, like communists, you are being duped big time. Even German MSM came out and stated how they lied due to government pressure.

I was a member of a think tank when this all first started. When the Italy saga was at play, there were too many discrepancies to believe, and we were right. One of our group knew a soldier in the Italian army, he came back and said that what you are seeing on MSM and put out by the Italian government is mostly false. On top of this, we have a friend who noticed another discrepancy, in that the hanger scene in Italy full of coffins was actually taken from a movie scene. In a real pandemic Brain you would not have to put out so much disinformation. You don't desire any of this to be true, which proves what Brian?

The huge amount of discrepancies on their own is proof of a world wide agenda. Why don't people like you Brian query; in a real pandemic, their would be no need for never ending discrepancies, but you don't. Why? Mass formation psychosis or maybe a political bias, which people like me don't have to contend with, making us a lot less impartial, accepting of the truth even if we don't like it.

hahaha Hahaha Hahaha Trump is a cocksucker Hahaha have a nice day nate”

I was right on, you are partial/bias, which reflects on the truths you desire to believe, in the process distorting the real truth. As you have proven so many times over, people like you Brian live in a distorted reality. I feel sorry for people like you, while having empathy for your victims of your distorted reality. Actually, thank you for your exchange here Brian, I wish you no harm.

So again, why would I converse with a person who is notably coarse and irrational, due to a seemingly distorted reality? To show other people what the rational mind is up against on a massive scale. Is the real pandemic irrationality? It certainly seems highly contagious, as my stepdaughter found out when she went back to university.

The Question of Stockholm Syndrome

Written by Mathew Naismith

I have heard a family court lawyer state that abuse is abuse, while strangely disregarding the obvious differences between intentional and unintentional abuse. Snapping at my partner while in pain and tired is not of intentional abuse, especially, as I often do in this case, apologise. So no people, abuse is not abuse, like a person I know who was yelled and sworn at, on occasions when of bad behaviour as a child, thinks they were abused on the same level as children being sexually abused.

As I wrote recently in regards to Stockholm syndrome having no relative point to what is presently occurring in the world, and that there is no evidence of Stockholm syndrome existing, outside of the bank robbery in Sweden that the Stockholm syndrome was named after.

You sexually abuse a child from a young age, often if the abusers are not maliciously abusive, the child will conform, this is Stockholm syndrome. There is huge amounts of evidence this exists, especially today sadly enough. Abuse in not abuse, as there is intentional and unintentional abuse, but intentional abuse is outright abuse, this is important to remember.

Making out that you are protecting the people against a stated undesirable, even in an intentional abusive way, can lead to the abused supporting the abusers due to the abusers giving the abused a sense of security, be it of false intentions of security.

We must try to remember to look at if the abuse is intentional or unintentional, this is most important to define if the abuse is intentional or not. When a government notably does not try to reason with the people not wanting to be intentionally abused, this is usually a sign of intentional abuse. Child molesters are most often in the category of intentional abuse, as of the present abuse too often seen today that is being orchestrated by governments around the world. To me, most of the abuse I have seen by authorities today is of intentional abuse. Go figure, look at how the authorities and MSM directly support paedophilia, especially through their inaction's.

You got me writing another post Heather.

Good thoughts as always Heather.

Yes, you are right, what Stockholm syndrome directly refers to does not happen in most other cases, like in a bank robbery, look at why though. The robbers often become too abusive towards people not conditioned to being abused. Abuse the people a bit at a time and in the end they will accept being intentionally abused, this should sound familiar to all of us by now. As I understand it, the authorities in Sweden don't often put their people in a situation where the people's security is threatened. The hostages in this case probably felt secure even when under the threat of abuse from the robber. The robber where probably not trying to intentionally abuse the hostages either. I love processing this kind of material.

As it would seem during the Swedish bank robbery that the Stockholm syndrome is named after, the hostages never felt that they were going to lose their lives. Now imagine intentional abusers making out that they are the protectors of a life threatening undesirable, how they could make the abused feel secure while being abused, like with the rise of fascism and communism.

To people like me, it is too obvious that many of the intentionally abused have no idea that they are being subjected to intentional abuse as opposed to unintentional abuse. Is their any sign of a genuine apology from authorities, while at the same time degrade people who don't want to be intentionally abused? Make no mistake, it is outright intentional abuse by authorities all around the world, leading to what is called Stockholm syndrome but a syndrome creating a state that is far worse than the bank robbery in Stockholm.

Being accepting of intentional abuse is one thing while feeling secure for all the people, being accepting of intentional abuse while many people feel even more insecure is something else. All it would have taken is a little reasoning and genuine debate. The inaction here tell the true story of actual heinous intentional abuse, while so many other people look on and even applaud, as often seen with the rise of fascism and communism.

Persecution of the West


Written by Mathew Naismith


Imagine for a moment if a country, such as the US or Australia, picked out a certain group of people to not just incarcerate but use for live organ harvesting. I think we all know what would occur; western countries like this would be persecuted. International games, such as the winter games, would have been boycotted to start with. (1)


Imagine for a moment if a western country, like the US or Australia, planned to build hundreds of more coal fired power stations, on top of going into Africa to literally annihilate the African rain forest, knowing that rain forests neutralize co2 emissions caused by burning fossil fuels. (2)


Now imagine in these western countries medical therapeutic treatments and protocols, proven many times over to work against virus replication and infections caused by virus replication, are either banned or even outlawed in western countries, like in Queensland Australia, unlike in various other eastern countries. (3)          


Notice that the western world is being presently persecuted for past history indecency towards other people of other nations, predominately eastern nations!! (4)


Notice that within these western countries people of decency are being persecuted!! I am not a Christian myself, but by the looks of it Christians are being persecuted once again in their own country, be it western or eastern countries. Notice that Christians are not trying to persecute other nations of people for past and present indecencies upon themselves, unlike other people of other nations!! Don’t get me wrong, Christians in past human history have displayed a lot of indecency upon other people of other nations, but are communist atheists in particular presently displaying any less indecency? I have noticed that once the church and or religion come before the perception of God, indecency reign’s supreme, like with extremist religion and communist atheism or any other extremism.


Notice that indecency reign’s supreme in situations where extremism is present, like with the introduction of fascism or communism!!


Yes, in the recent past certain western countries did indeed invade other countries under false pretences, predominately of eastern origin, where indecent acts were perpetrated upon eastern people. Should these countries involved in this be persecuted for such indecencies?  A lot of the people of the WOKE movement would no doubly say yes, as many people of eastern origin would, but is this fair? No, because when you look into it, what kind of consciousness, be it of eastern or western origin, coerced a relative decent people to act indecent? Groups of people of indecency of course.  


In all honesty, the western world’s people displayed an indecency in past human history as people of the eastern world, so why now unjustly and unfairly persecute the western world? To answer this, what groups of people have a lot to gain by persecuting the western world? The same groups that are coercively ridding the western world of decency, while obviously fully supportive of eastern world indecency. 


The western world as of the eastern world was with most people displaying more decency than any other time in known human history, it looks as though this decency is now being systematically annihilated out of existence. The inactions presently being enacted tell the true story, as it would seem the inactions of authorities of left wing political support of paedophilia.   






Pandemic Simplification

Written by Mathew Naismith

I am going to try to simplify what is going on in the world in regards to covid and the political shift presently occurring, to do this I am going to use an analogy that most people will relate to.

Warning; this analogy may be offensive to some people, as it is today with the WOKE movement calling a boy a boy and a girl a girl.

What religion is God? God is obviously of no one religion. So for a lot of people, what comes first, church and/or religion or God? To be honest, church and/or religion seems to come first.

With socialism, the people are suppose to come before the party, unlike communism and fascism. As we have seen in so many countries recently, communist, fascist and capitalist gain is coming way before the people. How do people like me come to this analogy? You always look at how the minority groups are being treated, like in countries like China and Australia. A true reflection of socialism and even capitalism appreciate the gains gained from the common people, this is not true with fascism and communism, as we are presently witnessing in the world today.

In communist China, Falun Gong members are being detained and used in live organ harvesting, a minority group being persecuted, be it of hundreds of thousands of people, for having healthier organs than the majority. Today in countries like Australia, what group is being persecuted and used as a political gain? I am not sure how the rational mind could blame the people not vaccinated to spreading the present coronavirus strain around the world, especially when this minority group were not allowed to travel.

It is obvious that the vaccines have not worked nor on top of this have the masks and testing. In a laboratory, hazard suites are warn when viruses are contained in a controlled environment. In the outside world, we are forced to wear masks, in an environment where viruses are not contained in a controlled environment. Mandating mask wearing in no sense makes rational sense, on top of testing kits that at best are 70% effective, where no amount of covid vaccines seems to be working.

But in some countries, like Australia, the booster shot looks like lowering the fatality rate, until you look at how they come up with a lower number after the third shot.

When covid first hit the world, people said to have died from covid could have 3 or 4 comorbidities and still be stated to die from covid rather than from up to 4 comorbidities. At present with the third shot in Australia, if you had one comorbidity and died with or from covid, you are said to die from the 1 comorbidity, when applicable!!

As with the PCR test, different to the less effective antigen test, fluctuation of the cycles rates also made a huge difference from the recommended 24 cycles to the most common used cycle of 35, possibly resulting in hundreds of millions of false positives. Look at what can vary the antigen test, chewing gum for starters, now what about any other contaminants like air contaminants, remembering that we don't live in a laboratory where viruses and contaminants are contained in a controlled environment!!

The present system of testing is set up for the criminal mind to use and abuse, as are the minority groups.

I didn't post this post for a good reason.

Yes, as predicted by actual medical professionals not bought and payed for by big pharma, the 95% effective covid vaccines are failing big time, as shown in graphs, resulting in enhanced infection rates in the vaccinated to the unvaccinated. Instead of a 95% efficiency rating, even of the third does vaccinated, a negative result is apparent, an efficiency rating far less than 0%.

Israel, at four doses, has by far the biggest infection rates in the world, at 10,968 cases per million per day. The covid vaccines are not just helping in mutating further strains, but enhancing infections rates at a phenomenal rate. Countries like Israel should in fact be showing negative case results, not the most positive case results in the world. I don't know of any other vaccine that does this. 


Israel is the orange line, the most positive for covid infections in the world, not the less covid infected. 

It would seem that your very existence now relies on a continuos flow of covid vaccines. It is obvious once you start with covid vaccines, you are stuck with continually using covid vaccines, however, can outlawed therapeutic treatments, as outlawed in Queensland Australia, arrest this in the vaccinated?

Yes, like with the gold standard PCR tests that only have between a 30 to 71% effective rate, the criminally marketed 95% effectiveness of covid vaccines have a below 0% effective rating. Like the PCR test were criminally used at cycles of 35 to 40, the vaccinated were criminally enticed to rely on a marketed 95% effective rate that in actuality have an effective rate less than zero.

Note: If the video does not instantly load, single click on the video then right click to bring up various options. Go down the list to open video in new tab and single click on this, the video should instantly load.

In Avoidance of Suffering from History

  Written by Mathew Naismith   Any awakening to our present plight is a blessing. People like me are into learning from history and not ...