Written by Mathew Naismith
“Sometimes people have to see you as the problem so they don't have to change.”
Vienna Pharaon
Most definitely. I have never seen deflective tactics used so mush as at present, especially by authorities and governments.
Misinformation can be of unintentional abuse, where's disinformation is of intentional abuse, especially under a controlling autocratic governing system as we have experienced with the covid pandemic world wide.
"Deflection, by definition, is a Narcissistic Abuse tactic used to frustrate and psychologically control the mind and emotions of a targeted victim.”
This is in line with intentional abuse as opposed to unintentional abuse. Don't be conned by narcissists stating that abuse is abuse, it is not.
Narcissistic: Characteristic of those having an inflated idea of their own importance.
Now look back when autocratic governing systems are put in place, forced control over regions of the world, narcissists abound. They love there newly found control over people and are often overly abusive. You will also find that these people are all of a sudden above common law, especially under an autocratic system, which narcissists also thrive on. Their own self-importance is highly inflated further in turn creating abuse of intentions, where the abuse in indeed intentional.
You should now get an idea of why authorities and governments like this use defective tactics to an extreme, at the same time put out as much actual real life disinformation while accusing others of disinformation.
“Deflecting an argument by refusing to engage with the subject matter at hand is an age-old trick Cluster B people use on others and strive to teach their offspring to enjoy as a conversational game or strategic thinking habit.
It is typically used by Machiavellian people prone to gaslighting preferred scapegoat targets and virtually anyone who will listen to the manipulative and socially domineering speaker. This is a particular (overtly aggressive but socially passive) Narcissistic Abuse tactic.”
Machiavellianism: The political doctrine of Machiavelli: any means (however unscrupulous) can be used by a ruler in order to create and maintain his autocratic government.
How often do authorities and governments use tactics like this, even when not of an autocratic system? Now imagine this under an autocratic system, as we have presently experienced under state of emergencies, and that China at present is experiencing to an extreme. I think rolling in the tanks again in China is in line with intentional abuse caused by excessive narcissism. A true and trusted government governing for the people would never think of using force like this upon the people, but an autocratic government would not thinking twice about it, as we have seen during the covid pandemic. In a sense, we have all been rolled over by tanks, not a good sign at all.
Klaus Schwab, the founder of the World Economic Forum; “China is a model for many nations.” Think on this, the controller of world economics controls the world!! Making reference to any autocratic governing system, that so eagerly uses tanks on it's people, being a model for the rest of the world to follow will no doubt result in the world being rolled over even more by tanks in the future.
Note: It has been stated that actual real life tanks were not used on protesters, as in 1989, but lets be honest, we have all been rolled over by tank like aggression and intentional abuse as of recent.
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