Written by Mathew Naismith
A number of people are bewildered at how I am too open in regards to my own personal family life, especially the abusive side. The point is with people like me, if it helps one person to understand their own family and authoritative abuse, why wouldn't I?
Firstly, abuse is not abuse, there is intentional abuse and unintentional abuse to start with. I was left with a dislocated arm at 6 years old, this was not of intentional abuse. My parents did not intentionally leave me with an injury that was going to turn into something quite broken and debilitating, however, belting a child, even after they stopped breathing, is of intentional abuse. When the intention is to hurt the child, I would certainly call this intentional abuse. I remember my second eldest brother being held by he's feet while having his head bashed against the wall.
Lying to deceive to hurt someone is of intentional abuse, especially when malice or hate is the driving force. So is yelling at a child that won't listen and are abusive themselves of intentional abuse? No, even if you swore at them. We often don't listen to the whispers at the best of times, the only way to get through to people at times is to yell at them or be affirmative within our actions. Yes, affirmative action can mean physical action but as long as there is no intention for hurt, within this, there is no intentional abuse therefore there is no actual perpetrated abuse.
The funny thing is with my abusive family, is that members of my family, who accuse my wife and I being hateful, have rid themselves of everything we gave them. Almost everything they gave us we still are in possession of. My sister gave me a stuffed toy dog, my wife and I adore this stuffed dog, we even have it sit with us at dinner. My wife and I don't hate certain abusive family members, we simply dislike and won't put up with intentional abuse by anyone, why should we? You are not doing them any favours either by putting up with their intentional abuse.
Now, is authoritative abuse by our own governments, multinationals, police, etc, of intentional abuse? Yes, especially when you don't want to listen and abide by their directives pertaining to their disinformation which is of intentional hurt. Any authoritative disinformation is of intentional hurt, therefore of outright abuse.
The trick is with what is called disinformation is to look for intentional hurt within the disinformation, in other words look for the intentional abuse within the disinformation to know it to be of actual intentional abuse, not just an accusation of intentional abuse. I think medical professionals risking everything, even their lives, in prescribing covid treatments known to work is not of intentional abuse, but to outlaw covid treatments, as in Queensland Australia, is of intentional abuse in my mind.
I think someone like me would have some idea to what is of intentional and unintentional abuse, not that there is not a fine line between intentional and unintentional abuse at times.
Are NATO countries trying to intentionally hurt Russia? See what I mean!! Always look for the intentional hurt at hand, now look at the related disinformation to intentionally hurt.
Is Russia trying to intentionally hurt the Ukrainian people? A number of people would say yes, like the newly elected right wing government of Italy, as well as left wing NATO countries that want control over Russian natural resources, for obvious reasons and not just to fix the prices. It is obvious, from 2014, that the Donbass region in Ukraine needed Russian assistance. Being used as artillery practice by right wing Ukrainians is certainly a sign of intentional abuse in my mind, now look at the disinformation created from this intentional abuse.
If it of intentional abuse, be it can be a fine line at times, know it to be of disinformation, of lying to deceive to intentionally cause harm.
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