A Balanced System is the Key

Written by Mathew Naismith

This is mind boggling, which shows how different we think to each other, and not just in relation to the covid pandemic, response and vaccinations.

Welfare payments have significantly gone up to help cover the cost of living/existing in Australia. So many people on welfare are saying it is not enough, where people like me say quite the opposite, there should be no need to raise welfare payments if the country is being properly governed. In fact welfare payments should drop, showing that a country is being properly governed, where the cost of living/existing has dropped.

In developed countries, cost of living/existing has never gone down, ever wonder why? In fact in properly governed developed countries the cost of living should go down for a number of reasons, for starters one being automation, another is abundance. In fact in properly governed developed countries welfare should be at a bare minimal.

The problem with developed countries is that too many people are allowed to suck off this abundance, be it people on welfare, multinationals, politicians, etc. Supply and demand, where the price goes down when in abundance, which means the cost of living should go down in developed countries but never does, in fact the cost of living is always going up.

So you want more welfare, so you print or borrow more money, in the process increasing inflation which in turn raises the cost of living. Now you have less people working due to the high cost of running a business due to high inflation, which means supply drops or abundance drops, adding even more to the cost of living/existing.

Balance is the key. A well balance system will see the cost of living go down, not up. The cost of living going up and up is simply a sign that a system is imbalanced/corrupt, a system or country not being properly governed. You can't have this many people sucking off of abundance and expect the cost of living/existing not to keep going up.

The meek shall inherit the Earth, as predicted, which is exactly what has occurred, accept the meek are the people who are sucking off of this abundance.

Meek: Evidencing little spirit or courage; overly submissive or compliant.

When in a position where you can suck off of abundance and don't, this is not meekness, as not giving into every whim of the ego. In other words not being submissive or compliant in relation to the egos excessiveness, imbalanced mind set. Strangely enough, yes, the meek have indeed inherited the Earth, as the introduction of imbalanced governing systems, like fascism and communism, depict. The rise of fascism and/or communism is simply a sign of a system set up for certain people to suck off of abundance, while the rest of the people simply barely exist, of course a badly governed capitalist system is just a bad. When you have an imbalanced mind set or the meek governing a system, the cost of living will of course forever go up, especially when in times of abundance.

In Australia, it looks like the leftist Green party is simply a front for the communist party as the leftist Labor party, which it would seem that a lot of Green and Labor party supporters simply desire not to be reality, instead prefer a reality that is desired. A desired reality does not make a reality real, no matter how much we desire it to be. So in times of abundance, a real reality is that the cost of living should go down, not up, but of course we don't live in times of balanced mind sets, instead prefer to only live by desired realities, which seems to be in plague proportion. When so many people only desire to know of a desired reality, while even outlawing actual realities, is a sure sign of excessive imbalances within the system. Accepting any kind of apartheid system is not a good sign to start with.

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