Written by Mathew Naismith
Dr Jordan Peterson, a well known psychiatrist, states, “There is a bit of Hitler and Stalin in everyone”, of course most people would refute this or desire to believe this not to be so, even while embracing or even accepting an apartheid system, and a lot more, related to traits of Hitler and Stalin!! A mind conditioned to living in continuous fear is a mind easily manipulated.
Is there a bit of Stalin and Hitler in everyone, as this doc states?
Look at one perspective hear, did not the majority of covid vaccinated support and even embrace medical apartheid to start with? Now look at all the other quite accepted implemented Stalin and Hitler covid pandemic, and otherwise, apartheid implementations. You even have directives made into law that are quite notably accepted by the majority, or a majority accepted dominating minority.
So is Russia going to lose the war against NATO?
NATO has been at war with Russia since NATO'S conception to start with, so winning the war against NATO is very unlikely, however, there is more than one way to win a war. Ukraine is simply NATO'S chosen battle ground it would seem. Russia from the very start knew that it could not win a war against NATO, a war seemingly put into action by NATO in 2014.
Is Putin playing the same game as the WEF, therefore is simply apart of fixing energy prices and of killing off billions of people around the world?
“None of this means that Mr. Putin is definitively a captive of the WEF. He may well be playing along with the globalists for his own ends; there’s no way to tell. It’s just a reminder that we would be well-advised to keep an open mind about what is going on in the international political arena in these parlous times. There’s always a good chance that things are not what they seem.”
To me, we do indeed have an over population issue in relation to energy abundance. If you are religious, killing off God's creation through over population is sacrilegious to me. If not religious, you realise that there is only so much created or existing energy per head of people. If everyone in the world at present was bleeding abundance dry like the multinationals, in no time at all there would be no energy left to create abundance. Life can't exist without some form of energy abundance. For everyone to benefit from abundance, there has to be some kind of system based on balancing abundance with the number of people benefiting from this abundance.
It is strange that the NATO countries that are at war with Russia don't expect Russia, not just Putin by the way, to switch off the access to this energy abundance from Russia, while accepting that countries like Cuba, that are not a military threat, can be sanctioned to no end. Look at how accepted it was invading countries under false pretences by NATO countries and NATO's allies, like Iraq!!
Even with the current world population, if this energy abundance was evenly distributed around the world, everyone would benefit from this abundance. Seen as we have a small majority controlling and price fixing this energy abundance for their own benefit, the over population issue is very serious, only due to this minority group gorging itself off of this energy abundance to the extent it is. It is simple gluttony, an obvious show of a lower form of mentality which Russia could also be apart of, so the question of Russia verses NATO may be a ruse. In my own mind, I think not but it would not be the first time I have been wrong.