Exposing Mass Psychosis


Written by Mathew Naismith


I started writing about mass psychosis in august 2021 and now mass formation psychosis is finally being acknowledged.

Note: Mass psychosis, mass formation psychosis and mass delusional psychosis make reference to the same reference points, they are not of different points of mass psychosis.

This is where I usually confirm info from other sources, HighWire.

Interesting, mass psychosis is being stated quite a bit now by various different sources. If you are under the spell of this mass psychosis, you won't see the truth in what people like me state, you will most likely only rely on the source that created the mass psychosis for your information. This is very true, because a state of psychosis is a disorder in which contact with reality is lost or highly distorted, no matter how irrational the created reality may be. Why? Because psychosis is of irrational thinking, not rational thinking. A lot of people have been inadvertently coerced into only excepting this illusionary created state of consciousness it would seem.

Many people blindly following the heard while not taking note of how irrational it is following the heard mentality, of course without induced fear the program simply falls apart. As Dr Mark McDonald states, “we can't become massively delusionary psychotic without first being scared.” In other words put in a state of excessive fear. As I stated very early on, the phrase lockdown, which the same term is used when unruly prisoners are put into lockdown, worried people like me greatly, this is instead of using phrases like preventive isolation.

As I wrote in a post of mine on my blog Covid-19 Mind Control in August 2021, “Mass psychosis, where the easily lead mind is lead by a psychotic and is duped into persecuting the stronger mind for being stronger, a good example of this is pro-covid vaxxers persecute the now undesirable labelled anti-vaxxers based on an illusion.”

I would myself put these people creating the mass psychosis as being psychotic themselves, psychosis being a severe mental disorder in which contact with reality is lost or highly distorted. The people running, financing and controlling the psychological programming presently going on, are indeed themselves psychotic. They seemingly live in a reality where humanity, decency, morality and a persona governed by scruples is absent, where the plebs, the common people, they owe everything to are nothing to them, especially when they can't abuse them for a gain. It is a state where the worthless plebs are psychologically coerced by the hierarchy to even attack other plebs. These plebs attacking other plebs don't think they will be next on the hit list, be it communist or not.

You know you live in a reality of mass irrational thinking when the people not vaccinated are persecuted, when they are not the one's who incubated and spread the new virus strains around the world, like the omicron strain that was created in fully vaccinated people's bodies, as the creator of mRNA technology said it would.

As Dr Mark McDonald stated to not feel you are alone in thinking rationally, “Surround yourself with like minded people.” A book titled, “United States of Fear”, by Dr Mark McDonald, is available, he is also in the process in writing a book in how to extract yourself from the fear this type of programming creates.

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