Thinking Outside the Box

Written by Mathew Naismith

What would an authority act like when not answerable to anyone or any other authoritative body? Often a consciousness that is not answerable to outside sources acts criminally inhumanly, as human history shows us. In other words the authorities often become highly abusive in this situation, this of course should by now sound familiar, but only to the people able to still think outside the box it would seem.

As history shows, for example like with communism and fascism, millions of people often die, this time possibly billions of people. If you can get away with developing a far more infectious coronavirus and spreading it worldwide, what would stop these authorities further developing cancer cells to become far more aggressive? Anthony Fauci for instance is still in a position of great power and control, if not more so, also, look at how the pharmaceutical companies are not accountable for injuries and deaths from covid vaccines. When an authoritative body becomes no longer answerable to another authority!!

Is thinking outside the box or conditioned narrative like this conspiracy theorising? To people conditioned to not thinking outside the square, most definitely. To people that are still able to think outside the square, most definitely not, even when not in agreement or acceptance of a narrative. Rational thinking often negates bias thought when of true rational thinking.

Theoretically; you introduce an infectious infection to create a pandemic that then creates a state of hysterics, this of course takes a great deal of psychological manipulative persuasion/coercion. You then enforce rules and directives to suppress people. This then makes it easy to introduce medical treatments that are highly questionable, of course today we know they don't work, seen as the vaccinated can contract and spread the confections the vaccines are said to cure us from. Even the lure of some of our freedoms being returned is incentive enough for a lot of people to willingly participate in such questionable medical practices, at the same time demonise medical treatments that have been proven to work safely.

The next process is to introduce apartheid, where the people not vaccinated are looked at as undesirables to then persecute, even though they are not the people who are spreading and developing in their bodies the new strains of the coronavirus.

To the next major phase of the operation is to introduce a so-called super bug, in this case highly developed cancer like cells that devour/rot the body from the inside out. This is after the so-called vaccines have sufficiently weakened the immune system enough.

This so-called super bug will be introduced into the body but said to be a viral super bug, just like how the authorities have stated that so many people died of covid when in fact they simply died with covid, if that, not from covid.

Because the next major phase of operations will be deceptively called a viral super bug that will kill millions of people at any given time, autopsies will be outlawed due to risk of infection.

The plebs, the common people, no longer have authority over other authoritative bodies governing them, this is when the authorities that are suppose to be in service to the plebs are no longer answerable to the plebs, the common people, just like under fascism and communism.

An Irrational Paradox


Written by Mathew Naismith

The following is being spread around.

I'm fully vaccinated and I will have my booster. No, I don't know "what's in it". Neither this vaccine or the ones I had as a child.

Nor do I know what's in the 11 secret herbs and spices at KFC. I also don't know exactly what's in Ibuprofen or any other painkiller-- they just treat my headaches & my pains. I don't know what's in every ingredient in my soap, shampoo or deodorants. I don’t know the long term effect of mobile phone use, or whether or not that restaurant I just ate at REALLY used clean foods and washed their hands.There's a lot of things I don't know.

 do know one thing: life is short. Very short. And I, personally, still want to do things. I want to travel and hug people without fear, and find a little feeling of life "before".

Throughout my life I've been vaccinated against many diseases. Measles, mumps, rubella, polio, chickenpox, hepatitis, influenza, tetanus. We trusted the science, and never had to suffer through or transmit any of those said diseases.

I'm vaccinated. Not because I’m a sheep or to please the government. Not to make other people do it. But I don't want to:

* die from Covid-19

* clutter a hospital bed if I get sick

* not be able to hug my loved ones

* not be able to travel & enjoy events

* live my life in fear

Can't say it any clearer

Copied & pasted. Feel free to do the same.”

Let's get to the source.

On the Australian TGA site, you will find that all these covid vaccines that are still being evaluated have simply been approved under emergency powers only. Mandating any medical procedure that is still being evaluated is criminal, especially considering that it is killing and maiming thousands of people around the world. Remember when one person dying from covid was one too many!!

Did the new variant come from fully vaccinated people, in other words created in vaccinated people's bodies? The answer is yes. The creator of mRNA technology said this would occur.

Did the fully vaccinated people spread this new variant throughout the world? The answer is yes.

Can fully vaccinated people transmit the full load onto other people? The answer is yes.

Have we not over populated a planet over thousands of years without vaccines? The answer is yes.

Is the present pandemic as bad or was ever going to be as bad as the Spanish flu? The answer is no. Look at the non-lockdown countries.

In Maryborough Queensland Australia, there is a shortage of beds, before any pandemic has hit this area.

In any time in human history has the authorities ever outlawed therapeutic treatments? The answer is no.

Are the PCR tests a diagnoses test kit or a screening test kit? They are a screening test kit and are being misused as a diagnoses test kit. Also, as soon as the swab is contaminated with air contaminants, the sample has become contaminated. On top of this, each rise in cycle produces more of a chance of false positives. Instead of the recommended cycle of 24, 35 cycles have been commonly used. Hundreds of thousands of people may not have been infected or died of covid if not millions.

Considering that nearly 60 million people every year die, even five percent of this figure brain washed into people's heads day in day out will create mass fear, hysteria and paranoia, and possibly creating a state of mass psychosis. Imagine how people today would react to the Spanish flu, they would go insane, when 50 to 100 million people died on a mere 1.9 billion population. Today, 230 million people would have to die to come anywhere near the SF.

Could not the people dying from vaccines be put down as dying from covid if they are infected with covid? The answer is yes. Most people have simply died with covid instead of from covid, that is if they had covid to start with.

HighWire is a good start if you really want to know the truth.

In Avoidance of Disparagement


Written by Mathew Naismith

It is sad to see that the present circumstances are so disparaging to so many people in the world at present, but in reality the present reality could inadvertently create a parallel reality that is anything but disparaging.

In avoidance of becoming even more disparaged, many of us have chosen to remain unaware of anything that may cause us even more disparagement, of course it was our unawareness in the first place that caused the initial disparagement. In relation to our present population, nearly 60 million people every year die of one thing or another, 800 thousand children die of pneumonia each and every year. Today, so many of us are disparaged due to the present pandemic fatality rate on a 7.8 billion population, when the Spanish flu killed between 50 to 100 million people on a mere 1.9 billion population. Imagine for a moment if the present pandemic killed the same ratio of people than the Spanish flu today, disparagement would be rampant in today's society even more so.

You would think just after WWI the population back then would have been even more disparaged than today, with WWI and then the Spanish flu, in fact the 1920's for millions of people was an era of gaiety. Imagine if the people today experienced a WWI event and then something like the Spanish flu, disparagement today would be the pandemic, not a viral infections. Could our avoidance of disparagement be creating the present pandemic, which seems viral but is in fact is a pandemic of an unawareness, the real virus, in turn creating disparagement, the real infection? The real infection being psychological.

Our unawareness is the virus and the proceeding disparagement is the infection, the infection being caused by the replication of unawareness as virus replication causes infections. Now look at the present book burning and censoring, on top of this MSM and government misinformation and even disinformation. A huge mass of unawareness is being orchestrated, in the process creating a pandemic of immense proportions, the real pandemic. Think of viral as in relation to a virus but also in relation to going viral with information, an unawareness viral transmission is indeed being implemented upon society, in the process causing even more disparagement which is the real infection.

The PCR tests are of screening for infections, not for diagnose of a particular infection, while also knowing that swabs can become easily contaminated through air contaminates, in the process giving false readings of infections. Knowing this allows people like me to see quite clearly that it is possible that not many people died of covid or even died with covid, in the process lessening the disparagement in people like me. This is on top of knowing that this viral pandemic is nothing like the Spanish flu. Think on this, the same mentality that wanted to get rid of cash money due to the spread of infections, said nothing about public touch screens that thousands of people in a day can touch. This is the same mentality that is book burning and censoring information, at the same time putting out huge amounts of misinformation and disinformation to keep us as unaware as possible.

Unawareness without a doubt creates disparagement where awareness creates quite the opposite, however, the aware can also become disparaged due to other people not waking up to what the real pandemic is and what this pandemic is creating for all of us, including the people who are not fearful of becoming more aware, in other words people not infected with the replicating virus known as unawareness.

In a real sense, if you are not infected with this virus, unawareness, that has replicated out of control due to the virus being purposely and continuously replicated, avoid being exposed to the real infection known as disparagement. How? Become aware of how infectious this infection is, simply stay aware, if we do this, the gaiety of the 1920's is going to seem lame, really. Be aware that the DNS, Disinformation Network System, is in overdrive. Yes, listen to MSM and government to stay aware but don't become infected with their unawareness, in the process avoiding the real infectious infection disparagement.

Supplement: It would seem that I need to clear things up a little more in relation to what I meant in regards to what represents the replicating virus and the preceding infections from such replication.

Unawareness = the replicating virus in the psyche, just like how viruses in the body replicate

Disparagement = the infection from a state of unawareness, just like how infections are caused by replicating viruses in the body. In the case of Disparagement, the infection is of the psyche.

So where does fear of the psyche come into it?

Fear is representative of the environment created to replicate disparagement in, like a weak or compromised immune system will create a perfect environment for virus replication to occur in the body.

I hope this helps.  

Covid Transmission Among Vaxxed Rising


Written by Mathew Naismith

To many of us who have done our research in the absence of as much bias as possible and plausible, this is by no surprise as covid vaccines early on where predicted to most likely create further variants.

Didn't know this. For 60+ vaccinated people, infection rates have climbed from 16.9% in July to 58.9% in October, which is a 42% increase in infection rates in fully vaccinated people, of course this indicates that fully vaccinated people are a major source of transmission. Have you even known a vaccine that increases infection rates and assists with transmission of infection, instead of decreasing infection rates therefore decreasing transmission?

Natural immunity is more robust than an immunity created from covid vaccines. Why? Because covid vaccines only deal with certain spike proteins, in the process allowing the virus to evolve around the specific spike protein covid vaccines only deal with. A healthy immune system will hinder virus replication occurring in the first place, secondly, deal with all virus proteins, not just selected proteins. Yes, therapeutic medical treatments help with hindering virus replication in the first place but also deal with infections from virus replication. Do the covid vaccines?

Notice that authorities are now going after children in their vaccinated programs, in the process weakening their immune system but also weakening the herd immunity that has taken thousands of years to create. It is going to be like in the past, where Europeans went into areas of the world where European infections and diseases killed millions, this time around billions. A simple cold could kill billions of people.

You will also find that Omicron derived from fully vaccinated people and was transmitted by fully vaccinated people, especially when considering people not vaccinated are stopped from travelling internationally as well as domestically.

Did the coronavirus variant come from fully vaccinated sources?

The Analogy of a Bicycle Helmet

Written by Mathew Nasimith

The analogy used in a court of law in Australia, believe it or not, is having to wear a bike helmet by law, so to save lives in regards to covid, covid vaccines are seen as wearing a bike helmet to save lives. A case of mandatory vaccination was won on this analogy and other analogies just like this just recently.

Do we know the long term affects of wearing bicycle helmets on bicycles? Now, do we know the long term affects of covid vaccines? No, also, do bicycle helmets kill and maim a certain number of people just by wearing them? No, has covid vaccines?

For such a highly irrational analogy to be accepted in a court of law, a serious breach of criminality is likely present. This analogy is totally irrational. Seen as Australia is now seen as one of the most corrupt countries in the world, this degree of irrationality in a court of law certainly confirms just that. Communism and fascism equal corruption and inhumanity on a very high level.

On the government site, the TGA, it states that covid vaccines under emergency powers can be administered, even while still being assessed/evaluated. I think forcing people to adhere to any medical treatment that is still being assessed is criminal and utterly immoral, this is while outlawing proven therapeutic treatments. Don't expect criminality and inhumanity to be dealt with under fascism or communism, quite the opposite will occur, the non-criminals and people of humanity will be persecuted and prosecuted, as what is occurring in countries like Australia.

Ask yourselves, are bicycle helmets still under evaluation? Are covid vaccines?

“Before any COVID-19 vaccine is approved for use in Australia, it will be subject to the well-established and rigorous assessment and approval processes of the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA), part of the Department of Health.

The TGA has received applications and is assessing preliminary data for the following COVID-19 vaccines using the provisional pathway and rolling review procedures.”   

In Avoidance of Suffering from History

  Written by Mathew Naismith   Any awakening to our present plight is a blessing. People like me are into learning from history and not ...