Two Radical Groups


Written by Mathew Naismith

Yes, it would seem the average person is caught between two radical groups, actual anti-vaxxers and pro-covid vaxxers. Like with the left wing politics going extreme, it would seem the pro-covid vaxxers have also gone the same way, some of the loony statements are beyond irrational as shown bellow.

“what "proven therapeutic treatments" are you talking about, not the ivermectin sheep worming one, or the ones Trump was suggesting I hope. Because they are most definitely not proven. In fact they're downright dangerous.”

It would seem that actual anti-vaxxers are not the only irrational people. Seen as covid vaccines have killed and maimed thousands of people directly and indirectly already, the above statement is completely irrational. Hydroxychloroquine for example has directly and indirectly killed over 600 people in a 70 year period, mainly due to unsupervised medical treatment and overuse. So if pro-covid vaxxers think that Hydroxychloroquine is too dangers to use, this would rationally make mandating covid vaccines literally heinous. Yes, it does seem this deeply criminal.

Like a lot of people, I am anti-harm vaccine but also pro-therapeutics when applicable as with vaccines. Yes, vaccines that work properly can injure some people as with therapeutic treatment, but the risk is usually worth it overall. At no time do people like me think that everyone should be vaccinated, especially when therapeutic treatments can be used instead. Yes, I have myself experienced an adverse affect from a vaccine which made life quite difficult as a child and adulthood.

So why the irrational stance?

Two things. One, the profit margin for vaccines are far greater than therapeutic drugs like hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin, this leads us to the second irrational stance. How do you get a people to accept being used by other people in authority to make huge profits? You simply induce mass psychosis, create an illusion of great fear, like adding people who simply died with covid to the number of people who died from covid. With this, people could die of a heart attack or cancer and be put down as dying from covid. Seen as covid is highly infectious by no mistake by the looks of it, I would say possibly millions of people have been put down as dying from covid when they simply died with covid.

The PCR tests are also perfect in helping to create mass psychosis. Any magnification cycle above 24 cycles are likely to give a false positive, the higher the cycles used, the more chance of a false positive. Our focus was first on deaths and then infections and cases. These cases are not medical cases either, a medical case is of receiving medical care for treatment, what is falsely being called a case is what the PCR tests determine only. It would seem the normal cycle used was between 35 to 40 cycles, the authorities can also raise and lower the PCR test cycles when it suites!!

Now you have created a huge number to drive mass psychosis with.

“It is possible for anxiety to lead to psychosis symptoms when a person’s anxiety is particularly severe. However, such an instance of psychosis is different from an actual psychotic disorder in the cause and treatment approaches. Regardless of the root disorder, it’s important that someone receives an accurate diagnosis and urgent treatment for psychotic features and the disorder underlying them. “

Lets be honest, a great deal of fear, anxiety and paranoia was and is evident, if you go by main stream media for your information, this is endless. The phrase lock down for starters will of course cause some degree of fear, anxiety and paranoia. A more appropriate phrase would have been something like preventive lock down, but of course this phrase wouldn't have created the needed fear, anxiety and paranoia to induce mass psychosis.

So was mass psychosis induced to simply make a huge profit for the more affluent side of population?

When they say it is all about power, money and control, it sure seems that way. So in the process of making a huge profit from induced psychosis, you also gain power and control over the people. Sounds like a conspiracy theory does it not? Yes, until you look at history and of obvious past mass psychosis episodes. Adolph Hitler is a prime example of this, and yes, the Nazi party used a great deal of fear, anxiety and paranoia to induce psychosis, as of today. I do believe that Adolph Hitler became a psychopath from a state of psychosis.

Psychosis: Any severe mental disorder in which contact with reality is lost or highly distorted

This today should sound very familiar, except if you suffer from psychosis yourself, which it is unlikely you will be aware.

For further information on mass psychosis which is very real indeed.

Seven traits of a psychopath that we should by now all recognise. Scary how exact this is and this is on a mass scale. You don't have to be psychotic yourself, just influenced by what psychotics or psychopaths are stating to be true it seems.

It is without a doubt mass psychosis, just like with the rise of fascism but this time communism, where only a certain illusionist state is accepted, all else is disposed of. Look at proven therapeutic treatments to start with, these people just won't have that there are other proven treatments no matter what.

Therapeutic treatments Approved!!


Written by Mathew Naismith

So has  Professor Thomas Borody's triple therapy treatment actually been approved for use in the treatment of the present coronavirus infection in Australia? Note:The PDF at the end of this post is certainly worth reading in regards to Hydroxychloqouine, very descriptive.

The Ivermectin triple therapy seems to be the cheapest, safest, and rapidly-curing treatment for Australians, and used broadly could stimulate the Australian economy. Professor Borody says his research has led him to a triple therapy of Ivermectin, zinc and an antibiotic – which are all TGA and FDA approved.”

No trial has shown Ivermectin-based therapy to be ineffective. In-fact, international trials report almost 100% cure rate with symptom improvement within 4-6 days. This needs to be available for aged care facilities and front line health workers today.” he said.

Yes, the drugs and supplements used in the triple therapy treatment have been approved by the Australian TGA, but the triple therapy treatment using Ivermectin, zinc and antibiotics have not!!

Ivermectin has not received regulatory approval in Australia or by other comparable countries for use as an anti-viral treatment. Although there are some studies published either on unreferenced websites or in lower-tier medical journals, the consensus view of major regulators and in top-tier international medical journals is that the evidence for the clinical efficacy and safety of ivermectin for the treatment or prevention of COVID-19 is not strong at this stage. More evidence is required before it could be considered a safe and effective treatment option.”

Meta-analyses based on 18 randomized controlled treatment trials of ivermectin in COVID-19 have found large, statistically significant reductions in mortality, time to clinical recovery, and time to viral clearance. Furthermore, results from numerous controlled prophylaxis trials report significantly reduced risks of contracting COVID-19 with the regular use of ivermectin. Finally, the many examples of ivermectin distribution campaigns leading to rapid population-wide decreases in morbidity and mortality indicate that an oral agent effective in all phases of COVID-19 has been identified.”

So the Australian government clearly states that no other comparable country has a regulative approval for Ivermectin to be used as an anti-viral treatment!! India has a huge close quartered population, the use of hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin seems to have made a huge difference. Is this more actual disinformation from the government?

Study authors note that several regions globally now recognize this drug as both a powerful vaccine and treatment for COVID-19. The countries of South Africa, Zimbabwe, Slovakia, the Czech Republic, Mexico, and India have all approved ivermectin’s use during the pandemic, according to the team.”

Much like what was successfully accomplished in India, parts of Bangladesh, and places like Argentina and Mexico, Chairman Ozaki calls for the immediate use of ivermectin as cases surge in Japan.”

So under a state of emergency, recently developed covid vaccines that have only been used for a short period of time are approved, but already approved medication used for years now are not approved under emergency use as a joint medical treatment. In fact it is obvious that everything is being done by governments not to approve already approved medication for use against the recent coronavirus infection, even under emergency powers.

So they can lock people down under these emergency powers but not approve already approved medical medication!! Why? Has anyone in government, on main stream media boards and the TGA invested in vaccine producing companies. In Queensland Australia, where therapeutic treatments have been literally outlawed, this kind of conflict of interest certainly exists.

The largest meta analysis published in 2018, revealed only 50 cardiac deaths attributed to hydroxychloroquine in 60 plus years.5 The largest database analysis that examined this issue stated the following: The results on the risk of severe adverse events associated with short-term (1 month) HCQ treatment as proposed for COVID-19 therapy are reassuring, with no excess risk of any of the considered safety outcomes compared to an equivalent therapy.6”

The FDA database shows a total of 640 deaths attributable to HCQ over fifty years. To put this in context “Each year the FDA receives over one million adverse event reports associated with the use of drug products” “This concerns the entirety of HCQ use over more than 50 years of data, likely millions of uses and of longer-term use than the five days recommended for Covid-19 treatment.”11 The 640 deaths represented 0.034% of all the deaths (1,910,212) attributable to medications.”

We have never seen so many deaths and maiming from vaccines as of recent but this is approved, but approving treatments that are far less deadly and cost effective just don't have the same high end investment rate than vaccines. In all honesty, lets be honest here.

Approved Therapeutic Treatment


Written by Mathew Naismith

August 13, 2021 The Centre for Digestive Diseases issued today a press release titled “Ivermectin Triple Therapy Protocol for COVID-19 Released to Australian GPs for Infected Elderly and Frontline Workers.”

The Government could end the pandemic by openly encouraging GPs to prescribe these TGA approved medications. Those who test positive, are identified in contact tracing, as well as those in high-risk groups like the elderly and healthcare workers, can then access the therapy quickly.”

Ivermectin was discovered in the 1970s and is on the World Health Organization (WHO) list of essential medicines.

There is mounting worldwide clinical literature pointing to a 100% cure rate using Ivermectin Triple Therapy,” said Professor Borody.

In recent years, ivermectin has shown anti-viral activity against a broad range of viruses in vitro. It has been hypothesised that ivermectin may exert its anti-viral activity against SARS-CoV-2 by inhibiting IMPα/β1-mediated nuclear import of viral proteins.5 IMPα is part of the Imp (importin) superfamily of proteins, which play a role in the movement of proteins between the nucleus and cytoplasm of the cell, essential in key cellular processes (such as differentiation and development), as well as being critical to disease states such as viral disease and oncogenesis.6

Hydroxychloroquine and Quercetin are both zinc ionophores i.e. they transport zinc into the cells. A study (Frontera, Oct 2020) published in the NIH Preprint database, showed that zinc with hydroxychloroquine was associated with increased rates of discharge home and a 24% reduced risk of in-hospital death rate among COVID-19 patients, while neither zinc alone nor hydroxychloroquine alone reduced death rate.”

Hydroxychloroquine allows better absorption of zinc into the cells, thus allowing the zinc to hinder virus replication. It is virus replication that causes infections.

I noticed a lot of the studies that don't show that hydroxychloroquine was beneficial were of patients that were seriously ill. On top of this, they used hydroxychloroquine in the absence of zinc, on top of this again, disallowed and even stopped antibacterial treatment for the pneumonia. Of course earlier studies simply overdosed on hydroxychloroquine, obviously to prove it was dangerous to administer.

As was stated to me recently, “what "proven therapeutic treatments" are you talking about, not the ivermectin sheep worming one, or the ones Trump was suggesting I hope. Because they are most definitely not proven. In fact they're downright dangerous.”

Mass Psychosis!!

Written by Mathew Naismith

As I wrote recently.

Mass psychosis, where the easily lead mind is lead by a psychotic and is duped into persecuting the stronger mind for being stronger, a good example of this is pro-covid vaxxers persecute the now undesirable labelled anti-vaxxers based on an illusion. Look at how psychotic it can get, New Zealand locking down on one case, not a medical case, simply a case based on a test that are of screening for infections across the board, not diagnosis of a particular infectant. The rest of the world should be alarmed at what is going on in Australasia. This should sound similar to the rise of fascism, especially Nazism.

ZDoggMD has simply lead the weak mind into an illusion it would seem. I use to like this bloke but he is way to obvious in his bias, to an extreme. Look at the form of analyses he uses, and sadly gets a lot of people in. Trump was a terrible leader but now compared to Harris/Bidden he was the better choice. You can pick holes in anyone but this doesn't make them wrong as this bloke is certainly doing. Yes, the weak mind is easily lead, especially by a psychotic that can turn into a psychopath, look at Mao, Hitler, Stalin.

So why the toilet paper hysteria? This action on it's own is more serious than you may be thinking it is, it is indeed a sign of mass psychosis/hysteria, or it seems that way. When you can lock down an entire nation on one case as of New Zealand, not an actual medical case, this seems to be a sure sign of induced and coerced mass psychosis. Look at the induced hysteria of anyone who was not supportive of fascism, now look at the present coerced hysteria towards the people not vaccinated. Look at how proven therapeutic treatments were banned and even outlawed, as in places like Queensland Australia. Even though covid vaccines have killed and maimed to date far more people than something like hydroxychloroquine, the masses in Australasia are going right along with this ban and outlawing, which of course is an irrational response, a response in line with a mass psychotic trait it would seem.

“Well, some experts believe that our current state of existence — which some say is a toxic combination of individualism and consumerism — is driving our current society mad. An article first published in the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health and later displayed online by the U.S. National Library of Medicine makes the following claim: "Negative information which is spread through mass media repetitively can affect public health negatively in the form of nocebo effects and mass hysteria. We argue that mass and digital media in connection with the state may have had adverse consequences during the COVID-19 crisis."

Israel v Sweden

Written by Mathew Naismith

If you lock people up and mask people you should end up with a far greater success rate in relation to any pandemic infection, but this doesn't seem to be occurring. If you are going to risk people's lives, livelihoods, the economy and sending countries into irreversible debt to ward off infection rates, this excessive approach to lessening infection rates better not just work but outstandingly work.

The information below shows that Sweden has less active cases than Israel with a greater recovery rate than Israel. The only reason Sweden's death rate is higher is due to allowing infections to enter nursing homes in the early days, unlike Israel.

The information below shows a different story, “Cases in Israel are 976% higher than Sweden, despite their reinstated mask mandate and vaccine passport system, but sure experts, keep telling us masks and vaccine passports are the key to getting COVID “under control”

Quite a big difference when comparing the data above, 976% seems too way off mark but which source is actually of disinformation here? I think there may be a bit of bias both ways, you must make up your own mind with this, either way, Sweden still comes out on top in comparison to countries like Israel, a heavily lockdown and mask wearing country. Gibraltar, a country with a 99% vaccination, has still a high infection rate, another heavily lockdown and mask wearing country.

The graph above shows that locking people away from infections work, as it should, but as soon as the lockdowns are eased, the infection rate goes up again, however.

I found that a US senator, a Doctor Greg Scmedes, seem to have an impartial view on the pandemic and covid vaccines. He goes into immunity be it natural and vaccinated, he also looks at the PCR tests. PCR tests are not for diagnosis, they are for screening, something I neglected to state previously, naughty me.

He also mentions colds that are based on coronavirus, that even this can give you some degree of immunity, it is to do with the T cells that have a memory. Sorry, I only have a FaceBook link to his videos.

Senator Greg Schmedes

You will also notice below that Sweden's vaccination percentage rate is at 53%, very different to heavily lock down mask wearing countries like Israel and Gibraltar. You are not just risking lives, livelihoods, the economy and sending countries into irreversible debt with this hard core approach to infections, you are also risking people being maimed and killed from covid vaccines. This hard core approach should have some sign of working but the opposite looks to be case it would seem.

The problem with deaths is that they also add people dying with covid, as they do in Sweden, to people who died from covid, this means you could die of an actual heart attack but be put down as dying from covid. Seen as this infection is highly infectious, the number of people dying of anything but covid could be put down as covid deaths, making the covid death numbers highly faulty and misleading.

In Avoidance of Suffering from History

  Written by Mathew Naismith   Any awakening to our present plight is a blessing. People like me are into learning from history and not ...