In Avoidance of Suffering from History

Written by Mathew Naismith


Any awakening to our present plight is a blessing.

People like me are into learning from history and not suffering from history, which means knowing one's history so we don't repeat therefore suffer from history over and over again. This includes personal history as well as global history. Who wants to repeat the same mistakes over and over again on a personal level, as we seem to be doing on a global level?

While once again looking into global history, there seems to be too many similarities between the final solution Nazi death camps of WWII and the resent pandemic, lock downs and preceding inoculations.

1: The Nazi fear campaigning was obvious, very much in line with the tactics used in the recent pandemic. The Nazi salute was all about putting your hand up in agreement to war and inhumanities, like putting your hand up to be and being inoculated.

2: The Nazi concentration camps are in line with the lock downs, where people did starve to death during the lock downs, like concentration camps, and were latter beaten or persecuted in many other ways for not being inoculated, likened to being gassed but in most cases resulting in a much slower death.

3: The Nazi gas chambers are in line with the pandemic inoculations, where you were promised freedom from lock downs and mandates if you were inoculated, similar to Nazi promised resettlement.

Like with the Nazi regime, under the lock downs numerous laws were introduced as well as changes to various laws that took even more of our freedom away. Look at the Nazi censoring and book burning, very much in line with today's censoring and banning of books and various other forms of literature, books and literature that don't support the present regimes narratives, just like under Nazi domination.

There are too many similarities to mention, in fact to mention them all would be to right a book in literal terms. A book titled, “Corona False Alarm”, was one of these books. Yes, the German doctors who wrote this book were first isolated from their immediate society to then be persecuted, similar to what occurred to dissidents under Nazism, the difference being, the world is the present regimes concentration camp, as proven during the lock downs.

You would think that in third world countries, that were not massed inoculated, that the excess death rate would be much higher than in countries like Britain, Canada and the US, far more than a 40% excess death rate!! Look at how the creators of mRNA vaccines where rewarded with a higher rank/status, being rewarded a Nobel prize, likened with Nazis who were rewarded a higher rank who became more inhumane. It is by mistake that people like this would be rewarded for greatly assisting in a higher excess death rate under a regime too similar to a Nazi or Marxist regime, where often millions end up dying, like in regards to the excessive excess deaths in the most heavily inoculated regions of the world!!

I think the recent heavy handed ways of the present NWO, New World Order, regime has woken a lot of people up to what they have been governed by for some time now.

Any awakening to our present plight is a blessing.


In Avoidance of Suffering from History

  Written by Mathew Naismith   Any awakening to our present plight is a blessing. People like me are into learning from history and not ...