Mass Formation Explained

Written by Mathew Naismith

The masses start to become cruel to those who don't go along with mass formation, sounds conspiracy theory like, right!!

Mass formation shown to be credible once again. I would rather be aware of this kind of thing than not, for to not is extremely dangerous to a part of society based on decency and integrity. We need to know this stuff to keep some kind of decency and integrity within society and within ourselves.

This is interesting, because one of our most lockdown states in Australia, Victoria, resulting in one of the most lockdown cities in the world, Melbourne, is one of the most corrupt and autocratic states in Australia. The known autocratic state leader was voted back in by people of Victoria, it is now easier to see how this could occur!! It is now unlawful to say anything against transgenderism in this state. Yes, a person can now be imprisoned for 12 to 18 months for speaking out against people coercing children to change sex or gender, as well, defining marriage as exclusively between man and a woman is being forbidden/outlawed!! (1)

I also found it strange that so many people embraced an apartheid system, medical apartheid, especially so aggressively. Even today some people cannot receive life saving surgery in Australia if they are not covid vaccinated, something seemingly accepted by the masses in Australia, especially in Victoria Australia. (2)

Covid was said to be as bad as the Spanish flu, while I know of no mass deaths of anti-mandate protesters as with BLM protesters. If you tried this in the time of the Spanish flu, it is obvious a mass number of deaths would have occurred, this just did not occur. Was this due to the proficiency of modern day medicine today, while outlawing proven therapeutic treatments? I think the outlawing of proven therapeutic treatments by the modern day medical fraternity says it all, imagine for a moment if the medical fraternity during the Spanish flu did this!! No, we are not so medically advanced today it would seem.

So how do you get the masses to accept such cruelties of other people and self-harm? Introduce a form of mass formation, resulting in an isolation process, covid lockdowns, to condition people to an introduced mass formation against people not of the same narrative and cruelty/inhumanity. The end product is, a reality based on an autocratic system of oppression and control.



In Avoidance of Suffering from History

  Written by Mathew Naismith   Any awakening to our present plight is a blessing. People like me are into learning from history and not ...