Just Not Into Extremist Ideologies


     The deadliest

weapon of

   mass destruction

Written by Mathew Naismith

This is interesting, as soon as I did not show support for Zelenky and disdain for Russia, my US views dropped significantly on my blogs, I have more German viewers than US viewers these days. Why Germans? As I have seen on various videos, German people can see too many similarities between what is occurring now and the rise of fascism in the mid 1930's. The book, Corona False Alarm written by a German doctor and professor, also make reference to this.

My viewers before hand were already limited due to not being Christian on one hand and not atheist on the other hand, I am also not into ANTIFIA, CRT, BLM, transgenderism, etc, any hate group that has links to communism, which a lot of Germans are wary of as well.

Yes, each to their own created reality while denouncing any other existing reality, by all means possible. I have lost a number of family members primarily due to not supporting communist hate groups alone, now add to this at not showing support for Zelensky!! People like me can't see any sense in supporting any kind of extremism or extremist reaction be it religious, atheist, right or left wing politics, health wise, etc. Look at the pandemic response which I showed no support for, resulting in even less views, now add to this not being covid vaccinated!!

Extremist views, reactions and ideologies simply create a distorted reality, a more desired reality that is simply man made, while at the same time denouncing and even outlawing realities that are not altogether man made, especially realities primarily based on desires and lusts. Today's book burning and censoring of any reality not created by desires and lusts to start with clearly show this.

Because I don't support a known Ukrainian fascist that has imprisoned his opposing political opponents, while stealing all their assets, I receive less views!! Look at how the Ukrainian fascists in 2014 killed Russian speaking people in a heinous way, no mass arrest of known fascists occurred. These Russian speaking people were also used as artillery targets, resulting overall in 14,000 people dead with no prosecutions. Imagine for a moment if the Russian speaking people in Ukraine did this to Ukrainian fascists!!

Sorry people, I just can't come at supporting any kind of senseless brutality driven primarily by known extremist ideologies.

Will we ever learn from the past?

Only when we stop suffering from the past. Helsinki syndrome, where the abused fall in love with their abuser, likened to people living in their suffering from the past than learning from the past. Yes, it would seem people are coerced to feel safer suffering from the abuse of the past than learning from the past, in other words avoid at all cost healing from the past therefore repeat the past over and over again to no end. Many of us are conditioned to suffer from the past than learning from the past, now threaten to take this safety blanket away from these people and see what reaction you get!!

The Modern Day Church!!

Written by Mathew Naismith

I do like my documentaries, especially in the absence of adds and other propaganda material.

I recently watched how the church was beyond the law of the King, the monarch, once again, where the clergy of a church were above the law of the land, meaning, they were able to rape and pillage the people of the land while not being subject to the law of the land, only the law of the church. This puts religion in past history in a really bad light, right? Well, what if I told you that under the control and influence of atheism the same exact thing is occurring all over again!!

Yes I know, as Plato once stated, “No one is more hated than he who speaks the truth.” Our mentality today is very much the same as thousands of years ago, obviously. Today, we still, even more so than ever, desire a reality based on desired truths than a reality based on real life truth.

Honestly, what group represents old church dominance today? What group of people make up the clergy to this group and the monarch or lord of each region around the world?

Today, it is obvious that the multinationals represent the church and politicians and alike make up the monarch, were the king or monarch is repented by the leader of the country and their constituents. Especially in regards to the covid pandemic, the king (monarch) and it's constituents had to abide by the law, not the law of the land but the law of the church? Look today at how the churches clergy and their controlled monarch are above the law of the land while only being subject to the law of the church, remembering that this church is of atheistic multinationals.

Be it of religion or atheism or of any ism man wants to manipulate for it's own glory, the church, be it religious, occultism, atheist or otherwise, seems to always try to overrule any law of the land. Look at how common law and even constitutional law meant nothing to this church during the pandemic. Look at how directives became law, in the process overruling common and even constitutional law. Look at how the arm forces and police were used. Arm forces and police representing the nights and armed forces of this church today.

It is like how we still fundamentally throw rocks and sticks at each other, today it is missiles and bombs, not much of a progression in mentality from Neanderthals I must say. Look at how this multinational church coerced so many people into yet another rock and stick throwing conflict, as in regard's to the Ukraine war. Look at the amount of people coerced into supporting this Neanderthal mentality once again. Now look at how the German people were coerced to support Fascism. Look at how Iraq was invaded under false pretences, which once again clearly shows that this church, and it's controlled monarch, is above the law of the land and even international law.

Now look at the groups that this multinational church are having a hard time bringing under it's control, like Russia for a good example. Look at how Libya was burnt to the ground by this church, the very same country wanting to extract itself away from the control of this churches monitory system control!! Basically, today's persecution is represented by old church burning at the stake and torturing people to death that don't follow the churches law, where the church overrules every monarch under it's control and influence. Look at how the police and the churches law are used to badger people not wanting to be dominated and controlled by a church that only has it's best interest at heart. The multinationals that make up this church simply look at people as cattle, they feel nothing for the people of the land therefore are not subject to the law of the land.

The funny thing is, is a church a church without it's people? Could have the multinationals become who they are without their cattle? You see this kind of church doesn't want to be reminded who it owes everything to, so to hide this the church persecutes anyone who is not under it's control, like in old church days, for only the people not under the churches control reminds the church who it owes everything to. In actuality, it is the Church that should be paying homage to the people, not the other way around.

When the monarch of this church becomes controlled by this kind of church, is when the monarch, today's politicians and like, can become the clergy, people now above the law of the land, or are simply represented by the monarch dominated by this kind of church therefore again above the law of the land. In Australia and many other countries around the world, this church's dominance is too evident, where the politicians controlled by this church are now above the law of the land, above the law of the common people. What these people of this church have gotten away with is incredible, what the church itself has gotten away with must therefore be heinous, as of any church of world dominance has always been about, abusing the very thing it owes it existence to.

This NWO, New World Order, church is indeed sinister in nature, and this is under the control and influence of atheism, where you are not allowed to question the science!! Yes, mind boggling. Yes, under the old church many texts were burnt, today under atheism, book burning and censoring is all the go, a different ism driven by the same old Neanderthal mentality. For people like me, knowledge is knowledge and is accepted as being so even if the knowledge is not of our own desired reality. It is understandable and of human character that so many of us only desire a certain reality, this while denouncing any other reality being truer than our own desired reality.

This NWO is certainly acting as the old church system did, burn and/or torture (persecute) anything not conducive and subordinate to the church. Once this old mentality arises again, people like me take note, it is too obvious and literally dangerous for many of us to ignore.

How long do you ignore the real reality for a desired reality? A very good question.


Written by Mathew Naismith

How to spot actual disinformation.

We were told that our dams will never be full again due to global warming/ climate change.

We were also told that the great barrier reef is in danger due to global warming.

Our dams were overflowing during our rainy season, which is normal when it rains, and the barrier reef is actually flourishing, even after floods and the affects of the crown of thorn starfish which devastate reefs.

Remember, this is the same authorities and MSM that push for covid vaccines, mask wearing, social distancing, testing, etc, implemented by WHO that did not stop omicron from spreading throughout the world from South Africa at the very fast rate it did. If one of these measures actually worked, omicron would have taken a lot longer to spread throughput the world. Did these measures actually assist in the spread of omicron or was omicron implanted in each country?

Were we told you won't catch covid after being vaccinated?

After being covid vaccinated we can still catch covid, we were then told that you won't pass it on and when this occurred, we were told you won't suffer or die from covid as of the people not covid vaccinated. Today, we know better.

Like computer viruses put out by antivirus software companies, is covid being implemented in the same way? Remember, once science came before profits and career advancements, it is very different today in regards to the three P's, profits, politics and power before science and health. Look at how health and science have been politicised, in fact everything has become politicised including our own gender and the environment!! Politicised means bias to start with and no doubt corruption spurred on by the three P's.

Look for the disparities and biases in what information is being enforced on us, such as reefs that were being devastated by the crown of thorn starfish more than any global warming. Global warming, according to the authorities, means global warming across the board. In Australia, we had quite a mild summer and a colder winter!!

So how do you get away with this degree of disinformation? You use defective tactics as to accuse other sources of disinformation, to no end. To no end means to literally brainwash.

In Avoidance of Suffering from History

  Written by Mathew Naismith   Any awakening to our present plight is a blessing. People like me are into learning from history and not ...