Watching The Pendulum

Written by Mathew Naismith

Take note, most of what is written her are of my own words, you can take my words as you will even though I seem to be in line with what is being stated in the video. Actually, I wrote most of what I wrote here while only watching one quarter of the video.

Impressive, mass formation psychosis leading to mass hypnosis. I love this stuff because our mentality defines our reality. Imagine a reality where the people accept the mandating of anything the authorities feel like mandating, like in communist and fascist countries!! Indeed, how could a people so willingly accept state and medical apartheid? Mass hypnosis, which fear is used as a trigger to create a mass hypnotised conscious state.

Indeed you need to decouple, disunify or separate, people into opposing groups or at least separate groups from each other for mass formation psychosis to work. This cannot occur with a unified consciousness. Yes, CRT, BLM, ANTIFA, WOKE, etc, are all about splitting us into separate groups, in the process making it easy for the authorities to induce mass psychotic hypnosis.

Indeed, notice how we were all focusing on one thing, the virus, like watching a pendulum while being put under hypnosis. An acute sense of focus is always needed to put people into a hypnotic state. Notice that induced focused hypnotic states don't work on everyone, as not everyone is taken in by mass formational psychosis!! Very interesting, because people like me don't watch MSM (DNS), disinformation network system. DNS also includes government and other authorities disinformation, not just main stream media.

Fear is the trigger used to put people into a hypnotic like state. Why did so many people accept that the present pandemic was anywhere near to the Spanish flu, with a difference of 5.9 billion people, where travel was far far slower. In the same time period, the Spanish flu killed between 50 to 100 million people. You won't think rationally in a hypnotic state and don't expect to. If this infection is far more infectious in a time of a denser population while travel is far quicker, the death rate would have to be around 230 million considering the population difference. This is while outlawing or banning the use of therapeutic treatments, while also adding millions of people who simply died with covid rather than dying from covid. The trigger needed a high death rate or infection for a hypnotic state to occur, for implicit intense focus to occur. Notice how the authorises and MSM focused on one or the other high death or infection rate, while ignoring the recovery rate of 99%+. You could not question what was being focused on otherwise the hypnotic state would not have occurred.

So how do you keep a mass of people hypnotised? Use the same trigger you used to hypnotise them in the first place but intensify it, a far deadlier and infectious infection will indeed do the trick. Yes, as many of us have found out, no amount of facts will bring these people out of a hypnotic state, especially in a state where they are continually hypnotised through the use of fear, like a new deadlier infectious infection. Yes, so many people are watching the pendulum, primarily through MSM, the DNS programming.

Hmmm, you can break this cycle of endless hypnosis by pointing out that the loss of people's freedom overall is a far greater threat to society than the virus!! What if people embrace communism at the same time, something people know will take away a lot of their freedom. Pointing out to people a bigger threat than the virus just won't work for those embracing a system of government, that of course takes away the freedoms we have today that so many died and suffered for in the past.

Indeed, we need to heal a delirious human consciousness as a global united community, not in opposition to each other. Like in Australia, we have tackled this pandemic as separate states, not a unified nation, by no mistake.

No, it is not all doom and gloom, in fact if we learn form this instead of suffering from this, we will build a far greater global community than most of us could have ever imagined.


Fact Checked Ivermectin!!


Written by Mathew Naismith

As yet anther created covid strain emerges, the authorities are doing everything possible to disallow any treatment that may be effective in any sense. In a real pandemic you would think the authorities would be looking at every avenue of treatment possible. Their inaction's in seriously looking into these treatments says it all, they act to inaction. As with looking at people's inaction's to tell the real truth of a person, an authorities inaction's also tell of the same truth. The obvious flawed fact checking is an act to inaction, creating an inaction to any medical treatment opposing their vaccines.

Sorry, didn't share this, had to take in so much this week and not all to do with the plandemic. I am not going to call it a pandemic as it is nowhere near to the Spanish flu, even after adding millions of people who simply died with covid and not from covid.

“The Gateway Pundit previously reported that COVID cases are plummeting in India thanks to new rules that promote Ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine to its massive population.

The 33 districts in Uttar Pradesh, India have now become free from COVID-19 government informed on Friday. The recovery rate has increased up to 98.7 percent proving the effectiveness of IVERMECTIN as part of the “Uttar Pradesh Covid Control Model.”

Fact checked as being of false information. I love entrapping these fact checkers.

“The article didn’t provide any evidence supporting a causal link between the use of ivermectin and the sharp decline of COVID-19 cases in Uttar Pradesh other than regional government recommendation. Many other factors, including immunity from previous infection, vaccination, and lockdowns, likely helped reduce the number of cases.

Elaborate propaganda pushed by big pharma. Now look at the following and see how disinforming these fact checkers statements are that have nothing to do with science. Likely is not fact or of science in any sense. Did they compare the India study with the following study to start with?

“Moderate-certainty evidence finds that large reductions in COVID-19 deaths are possible using ivermectin. Using ivermectin early in the clinical course may reduce numbers progressing to severe disease. The apparent safety and low cost suggest that ivermectin is likely to have a significant impact on the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic globally.”

Disinformation Network System


Written by Mathew Naismith

If today you are telling the truth to the best of your ability, you would have found that a lot of people have become hostile towards the truth. Why? Because the truth makes people feel even worse than they already are. It is like taking away people's freedom and letting them have some of their freedom back if they jump through certain hoops, they feel better for the small amount of freedom given back. If you put people into a dire circumstance and offer them a slightly less dire circumstance, this small amount of less dire circumstance makes them slightly more happier. Now try present the truth to these people who feel slightly more happier, they are going to reject the truth because the truth takes away this little bit of happiness and/or freedom they are given back.

So you can't trust information extracted from the internet, but you can trust information from authorities and DNS (MSM)!! Main stream media is actually a Network System of Disinformation, which includes politicians and various other authorities, a system set up to put out not just misinformation but actual disinformation. This disinformation relies on feel good emotions, a physiological tactic that makes people feel good to some extent while taking away people's liberties on a large scale.

Recently, the Australian DNS stated that only 10 to 12 thousand people where in attendance at a protest in Melbourne, it was worked out per 5 square meter that 100 to 130 people were actually in attendance. It has been the same all the way through in relation to the protests, the DNS deliberately deceiving people in the number of people attending these protests. This level of deception/disinformation simply relates to the same level of what is being hidden from the public. Also, people's inaction will tell you more about a person than their actions a lot of times, now look at DNS's (MSM's) inaction's, look at what they are not telling the public. The word heinous just doesn't say it all.

To justify the severe approach to the present pandemic, known as a plandemic to a lot of people, a planned pandemic, the death rate of the pandemic has to be as high as the Disinformation Network System is putting out. As soon as you try to explain why the death rate is nowhere near to what the DNS is stating, the bit of the feel good and liberty given back to people is threatened, in the process hostility arises against any truth threatening the small amount of people's feel good emotions given back to them.

By no mistake, the Disinformation Network System is an elaborate scheme or scam. Look at the scamming going on in the world, and look at how people are so easily scammed, this is no different except this scam is far more elaborate and sinister in nature.

But does the mind that desires feel good emotions over the truth going to take in any of this? No, and understandably so. To people like me, it is the truth that makes us feel good, where the lies, deception and disinformation makes us feel less good. It is interesting in how different we can be to each other within the same environment, except people like me trust the information on the internet far more than what the DNS is putting out. A lot of my internet information comes from reliable source like HighWire, Ben Swan, Trigonometry, Discernable, etc.

Are people like me trying to mandate for everyone not to become vaccinated, even while covid vaccines are killing and maiming millions of people around the world? No. We should be the one's that are hostile due to vaccinated people mandating vaccines for everyone, and understandably many people are hostile but not in relation to the truth. We are not the people showing so much hostility and disdain towards the truth, in fact we embrace and appreciate the truth wherever we can find the truth for the truth is scarce these days sadly enough.

You Cannot Kill Viruses


Written by Mathew Naismith

Question: Rumor has it Xclear nasal spray with Grape seed and xylitol kills the covid virus ....any one heard of this or researched it?

I too have also heard of this but have not conducted in any research on this. I use colloidal silver myself which changes the environment the virus replicates in. I use an atomiser. You can't kill viruses but you can change the environment viruses replicate in.

Notice that the authorities and MSM did everything to keep our stress levels high through lockdowns, mask wearing, lack of food and other essentials, fear, high cost of living, abuse, etc. Using a phrase like lockdown, instead of something like preventive isolation, to start with was the lead up to creating a perfect environment for this virus to replicate in.

As the video explains, virus replication can be triggered through the nervous system, it is the replication of viruses that leads to illness, not the virus itself. Hindering or stopping this replication will lead to earlier recovery, which is why the authorities in countries like Australia got to the point of even outlawing any therapeutic treatments that may stop coronavirus replication. The authorities had to do something in Australia due to the lack of infections, this lack of infection being caused by drought and proceeding bushfires that at one stage kept 90% of visitors to Australia away just before the world outbreak.

As explained in the video, stress, chemotherapy and radiation can reactivate viruses replication. 5G is certainly worth considering here. Why? Because every cell in your body including your nerves vibrate at a certain frequency, if this frequency is changed, in the process creating a certain environment, virus replication could well occur, of course with 5G we have radiation to consider as well.

As stated in the video, three important nutrients used to combat virus replication are, vitamin D, zinc and selenium. Something like hydroxychloroquine assist in opening up the cell walls to zinc and other nutrients, making absorption a lot of efficient. You can see why the authorities did not want people to get any sun exposure.

“"Viruses aren't considered alive -- in class, I call them pseudo-alive," said Eric Mendenhall, an associate professor of biological sciences at the University of Alabama in Huntsville.

"They require a host to even begin to function. However, since they use DNA or RNA to pass information to the next round of viruses the cell makes for them, they are subject to some of the same principles of evolution and selection that alive organisms are subject to," he explained in a university news release.

Viruses can't spread unless people help them, and people can stop the spread by washing hands and social distancing.”

"If you don't pass it on, then that virus hits a dead end in its pseudo-life," Mendenhall said.”

Now consider how stressing winter can be and the lack of sunlight in winter. Washing your hands and social distancing is like putting a band aide on an injury that should be bandaged. You really want to at least hinder virus replication, once this is done, what you pass on should be of a weakened form. Viruses attach themselves to cells, if virus replication in the cells have not been hindered in their replicating process, the virus can enter other people's bodies while in full replication mode. Do covid vaccines in a real sense hinder virus replication? They are said to kill the virus which is impossible due to viruses not being alive to kill in the first place, but if you kill off or change what the virus is replicating in, recovery may be possible. Be always wary in changing your healthy cells and cell DNA to hinder virus replication, there are better ways to do this without the risk.

In Avoidance of Suffering from History

  Written by Mathew Naismith   Any awakening to our present plight is a blessing. People like me are into learning from history and not ...