Written by Mathew Naismith
Facts on covid that main stream media and governments misinform us about.
Ever heard of NCIP? You should have because the actual disease of covid is novel coronavirus-infected pneumonia, which simply means people are actually dying of pneumonia.
“The illness tied to the new coronavirus was originally called novel coronavirus-infected pneumonia (NCIP). The World Health Organization renamed it COVID-19, which is short for coronavirus disease 2019.”
Now look at the effects of pneumonia that kills 800 thousand children, 2.56 million people annually, you could say it is far worse than the effects of covid!!
So covid is causing serious damage to other parts of the body, this is the new reason for the lockdowns!! Take a look at the following in regards to pneumonia, remember 800 thousand children also die of pneumonia every year. Now ask yourselves honestly, how many children have died of covid? And we locked down the world for what again? People discriminately dying less from covid in one year than indiscriminately from pneumonia annually!!
All I can say is how devious are they.
Note: This is entirely of my own research which I am not medically qualified to judge upon.