In Avoidance of Suffering from History

Written by Mathew Naismith


Any awakening to our present plight is a blessing.

People like me are into learning from history and not suffering from history, which means knowing one's history so we don't repeat therefore suffer from history over and over again. This includes personal history as well as global history. Who wants to repeat the same mistakes over and over again on a personal level, as we seem to be doing on a global level?

While once again looking into global history, there seems to be too many similarities between the final solution Nazi death camps of WWII and the resent pandemic, lock downs and preceding inoculations.

1: The Nazi fear campaigning was obvious, very much in line with the tactics used in the recent pandemic. The Nazi salute was all about putting your hand up in agreement to war and inhumanities, like putting your hand up to be and being inoculated.

2: The Nazi concentration camps are in line with the lock downs, where people did starve to death during the lock downs, like concentration camps, and were latter beaten or persecuted in many other ways for not being inoculated, likened to being gassed but in most cases resulting in a much slower death.

3: The Nazi gas chambers are in line with the pandemic inoculations, where you were promised freedom from lock downs and mandates if you were inoculated, similar to Nazi promised resettlement.

Like with the Nazi regime, under the lock downs numerous laws were introduced as well as changes to various laws that took even more of our freedom away. Look at the Nazi censoring and book burning, very much in line with today's censoring and banning of books and various other forms of literature, books and literature that don't support the present regimes narratives, just like under Nazi domination.

There are too many similarities to mention, in fact to mention them all would be to right a book in literal terms. A book titled, “Corona False Alarm”, was one of these books. Yes, the German doctors who wrote this book were first isolated from their immediate society to then be persecuted, similar to what occurred to dissidents under Nazism, the difference being, the world is the present regimes concentration camp, as proven during the lock downs.

You would think that in third world countries, that were not massed inoculated, that the excess death rate would be much higher than in countries like Britain, Canada and the US, far more than a 40% excess death rate!! Look at how the creators of mRNA vaccines where rewarded with a higher rank/status, being rewarded a Nobel prize, likened with Nazis who were rewarded a higher rank who became more inhumane. It is by mistake that people like this would be rewarded for greatly assisting in a higher excess death rate under a regime too similar to a Nazi or Marxist regime, where often millions end up dying, like in regards to the excessive excess deaths in the most heavily inoculated regions of the world!!

I think the recent heavy handed ways of the present NWO, New World Order, regime has woken a lot of people up to what they have been governed by for some time now.

Any awakening to our present plight is a blessing.


Mass Formation Explained

Written by Mathew Naismith

The masses start to become cruel to those who don't go along with mass formation, sounds conspiracy theory like, right!!

Mass formation shown to be credible once again. I would rather be aware of this kind of thing than not, for to not is extremely dangerous to a part of society based on decency and integrity. We need to know this stuff to keep some kind of decency and integrity within society and within ourselves.

This is interesting, because one of our most lockdown states in Australia, Victoria, resulting in one of the most lockdown cities in the world, Melbourne, is one of the most corrupt and autocratic states in Australia. The known autocratic state leader was voted back in by people of Victoria, it is now easier to see how this could occur!! It is now unlawful to say anything against transgenderism in this state. Yes, a person can now be imprisoned for 12 to 18 months for speaking out against people coercing children to change sex or gender, as well, defining marriage as exclusively between man and a woman is being forbidden/outlawed!! (1)

I also found it strange that so many people embraced an apartheid system, medical apartheid, especially so aggressively. Even today some people cannot receive life saving surgery in Australia if they are not covid vaccinated, something seemingly accepted by the masses in Australia, especially in Victoria Australia. (2)

Covid was said to be as bad as the Spanish flu, while I know of no mass deaths of anti-mandate protesters as with BLM protesters. If you tried this in the time of the Spanish flu, it is obvious a mass number of deaths would have occurred, this just did not occur. Was this due to the proficiency of modern day medicine today, while outlawing proven therapeutic treatments? I think the outlawing of proven therapeutic treatments by the modern day medical fraternity says it all, imagine for a moment if the medical fraternity during the Spanish flu did this!! No, we are not so medically advanced today it would seem.

So how do you get the masses to accept such cruelties of other people and self-harm? Introduce a form of mass formation, resulting in an isolation process, covid lockdowns, to condition people to an introduced mass formation against people not of the same narrative and cruelty/inhumanity. The end product is, a reality based on an autocratic system of oppression and control.



Women's Rights!!

Written by Mathew Naismith

This is probably one of the most important posts I have written, where it would seem women's rights in the western world is under a huge threat, not just by masculine autocratic groups, like communism and Nazism/fascism, but by western governments themselves. Let's be honest here, during the state of emergencies, western governments directly assimilated to autocratic systems of governments like communism and Nazism/fascism. A good sign of this is introducing an apartheid system, like medical apartheid, of hate and abuse!!

Where is the love and acceptance of this woke transgender communist paedophile movement? Just joining the dots.

In my own mind, no autocratic system is of promoting feminine energy, in fact quite the opposite, even though it may not look that way at first. Nazism and fascism in the mid 1900's looked really good and promising at first!! The cover of a book often does not tell you the true story to what is in between the covers, never has.

Recently, a women's/girls right activist was severally accosted in New Zealand, as a shooting by a transgender person occurred in the US. The very masculine abusive behaviour by this woke transgender communist paedophile movement is evident, it certainly speaks for itself, what amazes people like me is how western governments seem to be promoting this kind of abusive masculine energy behaviour. No person expressive of feminine energy could shoot people dead in a school, as no person expressive of feminine energy could support any kind of autocratic system of government. (1) (2)

We may see in human history how women have supported autocratic systems, but when you look beyond the cover of such women, you will notice how much of the masculine energy they have become expressive of.

In my own words, once a society has lost it's femininity, it's very nurturing, caring, loving, and accepting energy flow, masculine energy becomes unimpeded, just like how western governments seem to be promoting masculine abusive energy, especially when this is directed at women and even children, in normalising paedophilia.

Is it not funny how woke/transgender, communist and Nazi groups are also in attendance at the pro-women's rights rallies, it is by no mistake. Look at how fascists/Nazis used the same tactics in the 1900's to disrupt any group not fascist/Nazi, the exact same thing is occurring today, seemingly, with the full support of western governments!!

If men want to dress up in female cloths and act as if they are of the feminine energy, I am not going to oppose this, but when men period undermine a very nurturing, caring, loving, and accepting feminine energy flow, well, we need to all speak out against such deplorable heinous abuse, not just on the women and children of the world but on humanity as a whole. The support the western governments are seemingly giving to this deplorable heinous abuse is beyond words.



The Cabal Influence

Written by Mathew Naismith

Two very different topics with a very strong connection with the Cabal, what I call the global criminal cartel, a mentality of common criminality.

Former FBI agent EXPOSES the truth of the UFO invasion:

“All these people are trying to do is to save as many lives as possible from a real life Cabal, what I call global criminal cartel, common criminals. Also, real alien visitors are not of actual physical form and that the government is lying to you on most topics, due to being under the control of this Cabal, global criminal cartel.

My own perspective on this is; all our global debts, especially accrued through lockdowns and covid vaccinations, are of criminality therefore we are not legally in debt to.

This type of consciousness, known at present as the Cabal, has no real power on an interstellar or dimensional level, the only acquired power it has at hand is from an unaware consciousness. The only control it has is again over this unaware consciousness.

It is trying desperately to hold onto this power and control at present, however, it is obvious that an interstellar dimensional consciousness, way beyond the Cabals reasoning, is present within our state of existence. The more the Cabal tries to hold onto it's power and control, the more it exposes itself. This kind of consciousness works more efficiently and effectively under cover. It is creating it's own demise and it is completely unaware of this.”

Excess deaths, correlation study:

“This is from a Doc who was right behind the covid mandates and proceeding vaccines at first. Study shows that higher vaccinated countries are also experiencing a higher excess mortality rate. Every time the vaccine intake went up 1%, the excess mortality rate went up tenth of a percent, 0.105%. This is way beyond a covid 3% fatality rate that we shut down the world for.”

This is their New World Order

Written by Mathew Naismith

This is the New World Order, in a real sense.

Take note of the people and networks that state that Fiona Barnett was not old enough to be sexually abused by president Nixon, which is true by the way however, Nixon allegedly assaulted her after resigning from office. The cover up is obvious, the scary thing is, this is the mentality running the world at present. If they don't care how abusive they are to children, the NWO conglomerate or criminal syndicate certainly don't give a damn about the rest of us, in a real sense.

Fiona Barnett says that, at the age of five, she was abused by a child abuse ring which included top politicians, top police and top members of the judiciary.

Whistleblower Fiona Barnett has told the Australian media that she was the victim of a child abuse ring which included three former Australian prime ministers.

She says she was prostituted to 'paedophile parties' at Parliament House in Canberra.”

“Fiona Barnett wasn’t even born in 1965 when Richard Nixon was in Canberra!”

The degree of deception here is obvious as is the inaction's by authorities. As of always, the authorities obvious deception and inaction's actually confirms victims of horrendous abuse, like Fiona Barnett, by authoritative figures to be true.

Usually, inaction's on there own tell the real story, add actions to this that confirm the inaction's, the truth is revealed no matter how the authorities and their MSM disinformation network system tries to cover the truth up from being exposed. The NWO authoritative abuse does not stop at heinous child abuse either, be it medical, financial, militarily, etc, this kind of abuse has no boundaries or limitations. If you doubt this, look at the world today and the inaction's at play, like avoiding at all cost trying to resolve the Ukraine conflict peacefully. Once again, like in regards to Fiona Barnett, the inaction's by authorities are confirmed by the actions of feeding this war even more energy, not less.

The Woke Movement and Wetico

Written by Mathew Naismith

Is the woke movement being sabotaged, distorted beyond recognition from what the woke movement initially represented?

Woke in simple terms; “alert to racial or social discrimination and injustice”, also, “aware of and actively attentive to important facts and issues (especially issues of racial and social justice)”.

To me, the initial woke movement was not about a witch hunt or destabilisation of society nor becoming communist or of any autocratic system, it was simply about awakening everyone to white oppression of coloured people. I should add that accepting child abuse socially as well was not part of the woke movement.

The woke movement to me has been hijacked, big time, by groups of people socially hateful, violent and abusing. This degree of hate, violence and abuse tells people like me that a consciousness has been severally distorted, beyond recognition to what the woke movement was about in the first place. Make no mistake, coloured people have not got this on their own, the reason why is interesting. The problem is not race, the problem is of a certain type of consciousness environment that does not discriminate what race it infests to then abuse and distort.

Now lets look at something that is called Wetico.

“More and more people are hearing about the Native American idea of the wetiko mind-virus. Wetiko—called by many different names throughout history—is at the very root of the collective madness and corresponding evil that we, as a human species, are collectively acting out on the world stage. Though wetiko is multi-dimensional, many-faceted and utterly profound, its fundamental essence is actually quite simple to understand.”

“Our true nature, our true identity—who we really are—is impervious to wetiko’s pernicious influence. Wetiko can’t take over, possess or have any effect on our true nature, which is not an object that can be manipulated or possessed by wetiko (or anything else, for that matter). For this reason, wetiko’s strategy is to set up a substitute counterfeit version—a simulation—of ourselves. It then tricks us into identifying with this fraudulent version of ourselves. Wetiko cannot stand it when we identify with our true nature as creative beings, for then it has nothing to sink its roots—and fangs—into.”

Our innate consciousness or innate collective consciousness or God consciousness can't be touched by this very real virus, but our consciousness that is created from a wetiko environment can be distorted beyond recognition once infestation occurs. The cure is being aware, not retaliation or victim hood, where a certain collective consciousness acts the victim or victimiser.

No matter what race we are of, we are all being seriously threatened by this wetiko virus infestation and the cure is not acting out or acting the victim, it is of learning from the trauma of this infestation, and not suffering from this trauma because that is what this infectious virus consciousness wants you to do.

What is the woke movement today doing? Acting the victim big time while lashing out abusively and violently, in other words acting the victim while victimising.

Sophie Scholl Times Revisiting

Written by Mathew Naismith

Let this sink in, even under Nazism Sophie Scholl was allowed to attend her own persecution in court before being persecuted by authorities, not for today's Sophie Scholl's in the western world it would seem.

Sophie Scholl was a German national who belonged to a group called the White Rose during the reign of Nazism, a group opposing Nazi tyranny, persecution and oppression. I have a lot of respect for people like this and respect for any mentality willing to stand up against being persecuted, not just prosecuted, by our own countries authorities. Believe it or not, today, independent German journalists are being persecuted, not prosecuted, by German authorities, pretty much the same to what is going on around the western world at present. (1)

Even under Nazism, Sophie Scholl had the choice to attend court to defend the allegations against her and other White Rose members, not in today's Germany. Even under Nazi persecution, Sophie Scholl was allowed to attend her own persecution in court.

Is this persecution by western authorities only occurring in Germany?

I watched a lot of anti-mandate protests and pro-freedom rallies, without a doubt these hundreds of millions of people in the west where often persecuted by authorities on the spot, not prosecuted in court. I looked on while actual real life instigators/inciters were planted into the crowed to incite violence or coerce people into being violent, which by the way was never looked into by authorities. This on it's own is outright persecution by authorities. As of always, the authorities inaction's tell the real story, this is inline with the authorities and MSM reacting to a supposed 3% covid fatality rate, but not an 18%+ rise in deaths way above average after covid vaccine inoculation. (2)

MSM is now reporting on this but state that excess deaths are more to do with covid and, believe it or not, climate change. I know that not all these excess deaths are to do with the covid vaccine roll out, but a significant percentage is. The fact of the matter is it would seem that the authorities and MSM are in full swing to cover up the real cause of such a massive rise in excess deaths. (3)

So what has all this to do with Sophie Scholl times revisiting?

The more of an autocratic system our governments become a part of, the more censoring of the truth and the persecution of citizens trying to relay this truth on occurs, just like Sophie Scholl, but in this case you don't even get an opportunity to defend yourself before being persecuted, unlike the White Rose under Nazism.

So what side would Sophie Scholl take today in relation to NATO/Ukraine and Russia?

Maybe support a governing system that persecutes it's own people without the ability to be able to defend itself in court, or a country trying to liberate a people oppressed by the very same autocratic system of persecution. Russia is indeed trying to liberate a people being endlessly persecuted since 2014. I would myself say that a Sophie Scholl in this case would be on the side of the east, not the west. (4)

Why have not people reacted to a 18% plus excess deaths in the same way as a supposed 3% covid fatality rate?

Did not Hitler convince Germany to enter into yet another world war? If the western authorities and MSM told the people to support Russia instead of Ukraine, that is exactly what they would have done. Many of us may deny this but history tells us otherwise. Once a populous is blindly lead or easily coerced into autocracy by the authorities, authoritative persecution of the Sophie Scholl's of the world become reality, as we are once again clearly seeing in the world, especially the western world.





In Avoidance of Suffering from History

  Written by Mathew Naismith   Any awakening to our present plight is a blessing. People like me are into learning from history and not ...